Welcome L-E Families! The Lincoln-Eliot PTO offers an online directory for parents to contact other parents (to find friends and classmates and send birthday invitations, for instance!) and teachers. Our previous software (“My School Anywhere”) has merged with another company, so we are now using Membership Toolkit.
That means for the 2019-2020 school year, everyone should login to create a new Membership Toolkit account in order to gain access to the directory (which will still have all of last year’s information).
Only the members of our school community will have access to this information. Please use the link below to create an account for your child/children. Please enter ONLY the information that you would like recorded in the online versions of the School Directory.
- Go to https://lepto.membershiptoolkit.com. Click on the Register/Login button.
- Select “Create Account” and fill in the name, email, and password information. (Please use the same email attached to your MySchoolAnywhere account, if you had one.)
- Click “verify my email” and then check your email for a link to complete the process.
- Once you have verified your email address, log back in and finish the registration process.
- If you are signing up for the online directory for the very first time (that is, if you were not in the MySchoolAnywhere directory), you will need to be approved by an admin before you are granted access.
Once your account has been approved, you will receive a link to gain access to the Directory. At this point, you can verify your information, set your privacy preferences, and edit your entry if needed.
You will also be able to visit the Calendar and the “SignUps” tab to see what community building and fundraising events and volunteer opportunities we have planned for the year! Remember – these events can only happen if we have people to help organize them. Please consider volunteering!
Participation in the Directory is purely voluntary. Please contact secretary@lepto.org with any questions you might have.
On behalf of the Lincoln-Eliot PTO, we wish you and your family a fantastic year!