Welcome to the 2021 Science Fair Fact Page

Our annual Lincoln Eliot Family Science Night will be held virtually this year; mark your calendars for Wednesday, April 14th, and Thursday, April 15th!

Students at all levels are invited to present their projects in supervised breakout rooms.  We will also be providing an online platform for students to post their projects for the whole school community to enjoy.

Past projects have included investigations/experiments (e.g. How fast do apples rot?, What do dogs remember?), models/demonstrations (e.g. the Solar System, lemon battery), research reports (e.g. Marie Curie, Snails), and collections (e.g. Slime).  Google is an excellent place to look for ideas — for example: https://www.education.com/science-fair/.

We welcome projects at all levels and abilities!  Feel free to work in teams!  And even if your student is not doing a project, we encourage everyone to pick up a DIY science kit, participate in the activities/workshops, and view their classmates’ projects online.




Students can take a photo of their project, create a Google Doc or Google Slideshow, or make a short 2-4 minute video, and then upload it to our PADLET.  All students will get an opportunity to share their project with a Teacher & Scientist team on Thursday April 15, 2021, our Student Project Day — though presenting is not required.

Thursday, April 15, 2021: Student Project Day

Kids can submit projects, photos, notes, or videos in advance on our PADLET.  Then join us Thursday night from 5-7:15 PM to celebrate as students present their projects!  (Note: presenting is optional!)

Presentation Schedule

We hope to see you there, and we can’t wait to see all the kids’ projects!