Principal Update 11.18.19

Dear families,

A few notes as the temperature drops and we approach the holiday season (please remember to send your students in with warm clothes in case the weather permits for outdoor recess!).

Holiday Helpers:

If your family is in need of some assistance (toys and/or clothes) during the upcoming holiday season, please complete the following steps:

Write a letter that includes:

  1. Your name
  2. Explanation of family need
  3. Name, age and gender of each child who lives in your home under the age of 12
  4. If in need of clothing, please include sizes for each child.  If in of need toys, please include interests of each child.

Send the letter to Principal Morrissey as soon as possible.  We look forward to hearing from you.

Internet Safety:

We have seen an increase in our scholars using apps outside of school (such as Tik Tok) to post videos of themselves.  Sometimes the content of the videos on these apps is not age-appropriate for elementary students.  We encourage you to have age-appropriate conversations early and often with your child about Internet safety.  We recommend not sharing the details about what young children may be exposed to online, but instead tell them to stop watching and immediately tell a trusted adult if they see something that makes them feel uncomfortable, scared, or nervous.  It is also important that parents monitor what children are doing online.  Technology is a tool that can be wonderful and challenging, and it is important to be thoughtful and safe.

Below are some key points you can discuss with your child:

  • We know that children use games and websites (such as RoBlox, Tik Tok, Fortnite, YouTube, etc.) where they may interact with others, including strangers, or with content that is unkind and inappropriate.
  • Sometimes when we share something online, the intent is unclear or can be misunderstood.
  • When students see something that makes them feel uncomfortable or unsafe, they should tell a trusted adult as soon as possible for help.
  • Our digital footprint is permanent: the sites we visit, messages we send, etc. can never be truly deleted, just like our actions and words.

I urge all parents and guardians to be attentive to what games, apps, and websites your children use.  An excellent resource for parents/guardians is Common Sense Media, which also has a number of helpful resources under the “Advice for Parents” tab.

At this link you will find the Elementary Acceptable Use Guidelines, which provide more information about what we teach students about using computers and the Internet at the elementary level.

Frequent unannounced spot-checks, limits on usage (specific times, taking devices away at night, etc.), and device-free time are all essential.  We appreciate your partnership as we work together to nurture kind, thoughtful, respectful, and resilient children.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to Paola Leber (School Psychologist), Jennifer Roy (Instructional Technology Specialist), your child’s teacher, or me if you have questions, concerns, or would like additional guidance before talking with your child.  As always, thank you for your continued support and partnership.

I also came across this great article which I wanted to share with you all, full of ideas for starting conversations with your kids about school:

Upcoming Dates To Note:

  • Wednesday, November 27th:  Early release day; 12:00 dismissal
  • Thursday, November 28th and Friday, November 29th:  No school — Thanksgiving recess
  • December 4th:  Early release day; 12:30 dismissal
  • December 9th-12th:  Lincoln-Eliot Book Fair

Have a great week!

Principal Morrissey