Welcome to Our New Librarian!

Lincoln-Eliot is lucky to have two of our fantastic librarians returning from last year — Ms. Sheila Packard and Ms. Becky Kinney — and we’d like to welcome our new third librarian, Ms. Jill Leibowitz, who is in the library on Wednesdays!  Stop by to say hi or sign up to volunteer in the library to see our librarians in action — it’s a great way to help out and meet your kids’ classmates at the same time.

Ms. Leibowitz says:  “I am in my fourth year as the library teacher at Cabot Elementary.  At Cabot I do a Greek Mythology club with 4th and 5th graders and last year I traveled to Greece with other educators to learn about Greek ancient history and culture.  My favorite thing to do as a library teacher is to help students find books that they love.  Outside of school I enjoy reading, walking on the beach and attending Broadway shows.”

Welcome to Lincoln-Eliot, Ms. Leibowitz!