Upcoming FORJ Meetings

Please join FORJ (Families Organizing for Racial Justice) at any or all of these upcoming events!

On Wednesday, June 5th, Newton City Hall at 7pm, the Newton City Council Programs and Services Committee will consider legislation to rename Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day.  The meeting will take place in Newton City Hall, Room 211.

Here is the agenda for the meeting, where you can see that the idea is sponsored by a group of Oak Hill Middle School students:  http://www.newtonma.gov/civicax/filebank/documents/97331/06-05-19%20Programs%20&%20Services%20Agenda.docx.pdf

Emails in support of this item can be sent to the entire City Council at citycouncil@newtonma.gov

Friday, June 7th from 6:30pm-8:30pm, new K-1 METCO Family Orientation at Angier Elementary School.  The event will be family friendly and will include families from many Newton elementary schools –- bring family/spouses & kids for ice cream and to play at the playground and meet children new to the schools.

Wednesday, June 12th, 7:30pm End of the Year FORJ meeting at Angier Elementary School.  FORJ (Families Organizing for Racial Justice) is a coalition of school-aged families in Newton coming together to teach our children – and ourselves – how to stand up for racial equality.

If you’d like a buddy for the FORJ meeting, or if you have questions about any of these events, contact Lanni Isenberg, L-E FORJ Coordinator, at lanni@brandeis.edu.