Happy Summer (and Directory Updates!)

Thank you to all the wonderful parents, guardians, students, families, teachers, and staff who make up our PTO!  We appreciate you very much, and we hope you have a healthy, safe, and happy summer!

If you are not already in our directory, we encourage everyone to sign up as soon as possible, especially so your friends can find you over the summer.  If you are, this is also a great time to sign in, check your information, and add any new incoming students to your account, so they can be included in summer playdate invitations and other kindergarten updates.

Being in the directory means you have access to contact information for fellow parents and teachers, a list of who else is in your class once teachers are assigned, emails about events and volunteer opportunities, and our weekly Sunday update about what’s going on at Lincoln-Eliot.

Go to lepto.membershiptoolkit.com to register or log in!  (When you first sign up, you’ll need to be approved by an admin before having access to the rest of the directory, which might take a few days — please email secretary@lepto.org if you need quick approval!)

And if you have any trouble registering or signing in, please email secretary@lepto.org; we’d be very happy to help!

We hope to see you all in the fall!  Thank you again!