A DonorsChoose Project for Our ELL Classroom

One of our ELL teachers, Ms. Kazakoff-Eigen, has a great DonorsChoose project up right now, looking for help to buy an alphabet rug for the ELL classroom: Learn Your Letters . . . Rug!  Please check out the link to learn more and to donate!  Any amount is greatly appreciated!  Our ELL teachers work so hard with so many of our Lincoln-Eliot students, it would be lovely to show our support for them this holiday season by fully funding this project.

As a reminder, DonorsChoose.org is a wonderful organization that allows people to donate directly to classroom projects posted by teachers.  Six of our teachers’ projects have already been fully funded this year, thanks in large part to your generosity and support.

A full list of Lincoln-Eliot DonorsChoose projects can be found here, including cantilever rocker chairs for Mrs. Goode’s 4th grade classroom and a waiting bench for the hall outside the school nurse’s office.  Thank you so much for supporting our teachers!