L-E PTO Newsletter February 2017
L-E Family Movie Night Was A HUGE Success: Everyone had a blast at our first-ever Family Movie Night! Thanks to those who participated, and in particular, to the parent volunteers who baked and worked at the event. We raised over $630! Special thanks to Karen Hite, Tui Sutherland and Siobhan Wheeler for organizing this great night!
Family Science Night March 16, 2017 5-7pm L-E Gym
Look out for more info in your purple folders this week!
Our new principal search is on track, and finalists will be visiting L-E in mid-February. Parents will have an opportunity to meet and ask the candidates questions at this time. More information about this will be available soon!
PTO School Survey: We will be sending out a brief survey in the coming week to get input on critical needs for our school. Your feedback will help us plan for next year. Look out for the survey in your purple folders!
Dues Drive: 44 of our 289 L-E families have paid their PTO dues (totaling $4350)! Don’t worry…there’s still time to contribute! Look for Dues forms in your purple folders and help us continue to bring amazing programs and opportunities to our children! So far, the PTO has raised close to $20,000 (less than $2,000 away from our goal!!) and has sponsored the following events:
- Back to School Picnic
- Election Day Bake Sale
- Field Trip Buses
- Creative Arts & Sciences Programs for ALL GRADES
- Halloween Dance
- 2016 Book Fair
- Family Movie Night
- Library Support
- Classroom Support
Classroom Support
Illness in School: It’s cold and flu season! Please remind children to wash hands regularly, and ask them to notify their classroom teachers if the bathrooms are without soap or paper towels. Let’s keep our school healthy!
UPCOMING PTO MEETINGS – Mark Your Calendars!
- Mar. 7 (6:30 pm): guest speaker David Fleishman & school committee
Apr. 4 (6:30 pm): guest speaker Ms. Kelly: Tech Safety
May 2 (6:30 pm): PTO Officer / Volunteer Recruitment for 2017-18
June 6 (6:30 pm): PTO budget vote for 2017-18
Please check www.lepto.org for additional events planned for the school year!
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