Coordinators & Volunteers Needed for Election Day Bake Sale 11/7!!

Families: We can’t hold this event without coordinators and more volunteers…please help!

Coordinator(s) and Volunteers need for Election Day bake sale 11/7/17!
Help the PTO with its fundraising efforts by volunteering for this great bake sale!

Coordinator(s): serve as contact person for bake sale; organize volunteers and call for baked goods; organize set up and clean up of event; help with publicity

Volunteers: work in one-hour shifts to sell baked goods by Jackson Road entrance; help with set up and clean up

Bake sale to run from 7:00 am – 1:00 pm.  Coordinators do not need to be present for the duration of the sale.  

If interested, sign up with this link:

Questions?  Contact Andrea at