Join Us Friday, March 8th, for Game Night!

On Friday, March 8th, please join us from 6-8pm at the school for Lincoln-Eliot Game Night — a night of board games, pizza, and fun!  Newton-based game company Gamewright will provide a wide selection of games to play and games for sale.  Please RSVP (and pre-order whole pizzas) here so we have an idea of how many people to expect.  Incoming kindergarten families welcome — come introduce your child to their new school and make some new friends!

Admission $10 per family at the door.  All the Gamewright games will also be available for sale, with 50% of the proceeds going to our school!  Can’t make it to the event?  You can still purchase games by sending in this order form with a cash or check (made out to “Lincoln-Eliot PTO”) in your child’s folder by Wednesday, March 6th.

We would really appreciate your help to make this event a success — please sign up here to volunteer to help with pizza sales, game sales, admission, setup, or being a “game guru”!

Please contact with any questions!  We look forward to seeing you there!