May 2020 PTO Meeting Recap

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our PTO meeting via Zoom on Tuesday, May 5th.  Special thanks to Principal Morrissey, math specialist Nicole Feroleto, and ELA specialist Jeanne Conley for answering all our questions, and to all the teachers who attended as well.

Overall, despite missing our last three months of programs and our two biggest fundraisers (the auction and the Fun Run), we still managed to have a successful year under the circumstances, with a solid number of great Creative Arts and Sciences programs for each grade and enough fundraising to start us off next year.

Thank you so much to everyone who donated, volunteered, helped with events, acted as room connectors, came to PTO meetings, and otherwise supported our school and our kids all year long!  We really appreciate you (and we miss you!).

One note: We are looking for parents to join the PTO board next year — most of our current members will be in their last term in their roles, and we would like to set up a successful transition by having a year of overlap.  If you are at all interested in finding out more about the roles of the co-presidents, secretaries, treasurers, or other members of the team, please reach out to and let us know!

And if you missed the PTO meeting, you can review the minutes at this link:

May 2020 PTO Meeting Minutes

May 2020 PTO Meeting Slideshow

Please feel free to email or anytime with any questions we can help with.

Thank you again, and we hope everyone is staying safe and doing OK!