Principal / PTO Update 9.12.21

Hi Lincoln-Eliot Families,

It was so incredible to see so many faces back in our building on Thursday for our first day of school. The energy and excitement from all the students returning filled the air. Thank you to parents who helped make pick-up and drop-off run smoothly by being prepared with using the correct entrances. It was wonderful to have all of our LE community back together again and I know everyone will settle into these new routines quickly!

Hispanic History Month is 9/15 – 10/15.  In honor of and to bring awareness to the Hispanic culture Ms. Brinson, Ms. Sutherland, and Ms. Selwyn have teamed up. The bulletin board outside of the main office will showcase a colorful and cultural Mexican mural of Frida Kahlo and Day of the Dead.  Ms. Sutherland will display student work representing Day of the Dead. Ms. Selwyn will read a book about the life of Frida Kahlo to all students across grades.

Frida Kahlo was a painter and a teacher who was resilient and determined.  She never gave up although faced with many adversities.

Day of the Dead is a tradition to honor loved ones that have died.  It has Mexican, Spanish, and Latin American roots.  Culturally the two-day celebration is commemorated with food, festivities, and religious practices.

Throughout the year, the bulletin board will be used to bring awareness to marginalized populations.  It is our hope that teachers will incorporate these themes into their classrooms.

Principal Morrisey & the PTO