Principal / PTO Update 10.17

Dear LE Families,

I am happy to report that there were no COVID cases at Lincoln-Eliot this week!

As part of our NPS System-Wide Goals for the 2021-2022 School Year, we have committed to identifying and addressing students’ strengths and needs in literacy development.  In addition to our ongoing district measure, the Benchmark Assessment System, we have adopted universal literacy screeners at all grade levels, K-5, Fall, Winter, and Spring.

Because the best time to identify and address reading difficulties is as early as possible, in Kindergarten, students will complete the EarlyBird Screener, a comprehensive, game-based assessment tool that assesses our youngest students on the key literacy milestones most predictive of later reading success.

In grades 1-5, students will complete the i-Ready Diagnostic, an adaptive assessment that provides teachers with both screening information and actionable insight into specific literacy growth and needs.  Both the EarlyBird and the i-Ready meet MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Guidelines for Dyslexia Screening.

Both of these assessments will enable educators to support students using a proactive, preventative model.  Classroom teachers will be using this information and meeting with school-based teams to plan targeted instruction that will support the growth of all students.

Thank you,
Principal Morrissey