Hi LE Families,
Happy New Year! We hope everyone had an enjoyable and restful break. Below you will find information regarding the latest Covid protocols, updates about the new L-E building, and the MCAS schedule for this year. Our upcoming PTO meeting on Tuesday 1/25 will feature Dr. Fleishman as well.
We currently have a total of 15 persons at Lincoln Eliot (students and staff members) who are identified as having Covid-19 who were in the building at some point this week. These individuals were identified through pooled testing and/or rapid “reflex” testing. Additionally, we have a few cases that were diagnosed through testing prior to Monday of this week. Those particular individuals have not been in school this week. If your child’s classroom has been impacted, you have received the standard notification. If your child is considered a “close contact”, Nurse Kristen has been working to contact you.
As you know, the guidelines for quarantine/isolation were recently changed. I have attempted to summarize for you.
Anyone testing positive must quarantine for 5 days. They can return to school on day 6 if they have no symptoms at that time, but must wear a mask at all times while in school (even outdoors). Masking must happen until day 11.
Fully vaccinated (2 weeks out from 2nd vaccination) can come to school – even if there is a positive case at home as long as they are able to maintain distance from the positive person at home, and no symptoms emerge. If symptoms start, stay home and test
Unvaccinated students should follow the quarantine rules. More information HERE.
When we provide school work for students who are not in school: NPS is not able to provide assignment support for students for absences related to family vacations, short-term absences due to illness, health precautionary reasons, or other similar reasons related to family choice. NPS does provide alternative instruction at home for students who are medically unable to attend school and qualify for educational services in the home or hospital [603 CMR 28.03(3)(c)], which requires documentation from the child’s physician. Given the current health situation, we do provide assignments and materials for independent work on a short-term basis when a student is required to quarantine due to COVID.
All parents should send their child to school with a well-fitted mask that easily covers both mouth and nose (KN95 masks are recommended).
Lastly, there will be two public meetings next week to share a project update for the new Lincoln-Eliot building. You will find the links below:
Monday, January 10th at 7:00 PM – LE Project Update to the School Committee (zoom link https://zoom.us/j/390017072)
Tuesday, January 11th at 6:00 PM – LE Community/School Building Committee Meeting . Use the link below to register: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/
84409152659?pwd= MW9kR3d0aW44Q3pLMnd5TTJ4U1RPUT 09)
Thank you,
Principal Morrissey