NPS Budget Gap – What can you do?

Newton Public Schools has a $4 million dollar NPS FY23 budget gap – 

WHAT DOES IT MEAN?Click here to see a detailed summary of those cuts across NPS.

Who makes the budget anyway? How does that work?Click here for a brief overview of the budget process. 


A future override could provide much-needed funding in the long-term, but will not come in time to prevent the cuts to next year’s budget. To prevent cuts for the upcoming year, NPS needs an additional $4M in funding now to close this gap.  

Contact Mayor Fuller

Mayor Fuller needs to hear from her Newton voters who insist our schools be fully funded this year and following years.

  • Email Mayor Fuller– If you are having trouble getting started, here is a template letter and some ideas to get you started. 
  • Call Mayor Fuller:  (617) 796-1000
  • Visit:  Mayor Fuller has no upcoming Office Hours listed. Call or email Sam Nighman to request office hours or schedule an appointment.

Contact the School Committee