FORJ Updates 5.29

School shootings and gunfire in our communities have become a fact of American life. As a local educator shared in a recent newsletter, “The National Association of School Psychologists has this page to provide parents with advice on how best to support and talk to their children” about acts of violence. Whether you are a gun-owning family or anti-firearms, or somewhere in between, we can mourn, hope, pray, and call our representatives to tell them to protect humanity with better rules for gun ownership.

Remembering George Floyd two years after his murder in Minneapolis by a police officer. Remembering Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Philando Castile, and so many more.

The war in Ukraine continues.

At home, we can listen to one another and tune into our kids. This children’s book could help, Jenny Mei is Sad written and illustrated by Traci Subisak (video by the Portland Public Library).

We can find opportunities to learn about each other and spend time together to build and strengthen our community.

Neurodiversity Paradigm: Understanding Kids from the Inside Out and Creating More Inclusive and Equitable School Experiences for Everyone – Thursday, June 2nd at 8 p.m.

Join two multiply-neurodivergent individuals for a discussion on viewing the world through their lens and how embracing the diversity of brain types can help us all better understand and support neurodivergent individuals and build a more inclusive, equitable and vibrant society. In person at the Ed Center (100 Walnut St.), Room 210 and via Zoom: Discussion sponsored by the PTOs of Franklin, Cabot, Peirce and Countryside Elementary Schools.

Celebrate AAPI Month – Boston Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival, June 12th

See dragon boat racing teams from across the country come together to compete, plus enjoy a weekend filled with cultural performances by local, national, and international AAPI groups, arts and crafts, and plenty of delicious food. Between JFK St Bridge and Western Ave Bridge, Cambridge. FREE

Ward FORJ, Bigelow FORJ, Underwood FORJ & Lincoln-Eliot FORJ Picnic in the Park (NEW TIME)

The FORJ Picnic in the Park at Franklin Park’s American Legion Picnic Area in Boston will take place on Sunday, June 5thfrom 3:30pm-6:30pm. All of our school families are invited to enjoy FREE food, beverages and fun. You can bring food to share, too, if you’d like. RSVP to Ward FORJ contact Jeanne Choe-Arrieta,, by June 4th so they can figure on how much food to order, but we are all encouraged to attend even without an RSVP!

Walking Tour of METCO HQ and Nubian Square

Saturdays this summer at 10am and 1pm (started May 14!)

Join METCO high school students as they uncover the past and present of Boston’s historic Nubian Square in Roxbury. This unique 90-minute walking tour highlights their research into the artistry, activism, and achievement in the backyard of METCO’s new Headquarters.  RSVP here

FAMILIES ORGANIZING FOR RACIAL JUSTICE (FORJ) is a group of diverse Newton families helping our children learn about issues of power and inequality and how to stand up for racial justice. We seek to generate understanding and curiosity about differences in our society, and to work together towards racial equity.