FORJ Updates – 06.05

Keep on listening to our kids and encouraging communication. June is Pride Month – a time to celebrate and educate. People from all walks of life are part of the LGBTQ+ community. Check out the many free videos and films available on PBS this month focused on LGBTQ+ life and history: (Not all of these may be appropriate for all ages, but there are some brief, informative videos to share. And some good stuff for those family members who often ask, “Why?” about everything.)

Here are some FORJ-endorsed/sponsored events coming soon!

Walking Tour of METCO HQ and Nubian Square

Saturday, June 11th and Saturday, July 9th at 10am

Join METCO high school students as they uncover the past and present of Boston’s historic Nubian Square in Roxbury. This unique 90-minute walking tour highlights their research into the artistry, activism, and achievement in the backyard of METCO’s new Headquarters.  RSVP here

Boston Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival, June 12th

See dragon boat racing teams from across the country come together to compete, plus enjoy a weekend filled with cultural performances by local, national, and international AAPI groups, arts and crafts, and plenty of delicious food. Between JFK St Bridge and Western Ave Bridge, Cambridge. FREE

Lincoln-Eliot Juneteenth Celebration – Thursday, June 16th

Join L-E FORJ, our L-E PTO and FORJ groups from Bigelow Middle, Ward Elementary and Underwood Elementary as we prepare for our second annual Lincoln-Eliot Juneteenth Celebration! Mark your calendars for Thursday, June 16th from 4:30-7:30pm in the playground and our own backyard. We’ll have music and dancing, Double Dutch, craft activities, a big slide, Mr. Hani’s Ice Cream Treats, classroom guests and more. Contact Lanni to learn more and to lend a hand,

FAMILIES ORGANIZING FOR RACIAL JUSTICE (FORJ) is a group of diverse Newton families helping our children learn about issues of power and inequality and how to stand up for racial justice. We seek to generate understanding and curiosity about differences in our society, and to work together towards racial equity.