Make Sure You’re In The L-E Directory!

The Lincoln-Eliot Family Directory is hosted online at Membership Toolkit.  It is an opt-in system, so please make sure you sign up — but you only have to do it once, and then you’ll be in the directory through high school!  It only takes five minutes and it’s a great way to find classmates and friends and connect with other families.

PLEASE NOTE that regulations and privacy laws do not allow information from Aspen and/or Newton Public Schools to flow into this directory and vice versa.  We know it’s annoying to have to update information in more than one place, but the success of our directory is dependent on every family logging in and adding or updating their information.

Please log in and confirm that your information is correct and up-to-date. 

Instructions: Accessing and Adding/Verifying Information

Login as a RETURNING USER by clicking here:  and using the same login as last year

OR Login as a NEW USER by clicking here:

  1. Fill out the form and click “Verify my email”, then check your email for a link to complete the process. The link expires in 2 hours. If you do not receive the email, check your spam or junk folders.
  2. Once you have verified your email address, log back in and finish the registration process.
    Note: Once the Primary Account is set up, the Primary User can “invite” other email addresses to access his/her account. This allows the Secondary User to have their own login information, but still have access to the family account.

Completing/Confirming Information

STEP 1: Complete the Parent/Family and then Student Information.  Families can enter their name, address, phone numbers, and teacher.  For returning users, most of this information should already be available.  Please just confirm it is correct — and please make sure to add any incoming siblings!

STEP 2: Complete the Directory/Publish Preferences.  Each family can decide which pieces of information will be available for others to view through the privacy settings.

If you have any questions or want to find out if you’re already in the directory, please email us with your name and your child’s name(s) at