PTO Update 6.19.23

Hi L-E Families,

We have had a fun-filled end of the year with a successful Fun Run raising over $14k!! Thank you to all who donated, shared the link to donate, and came to cheer our kids on. This will ensure the PTO will be able to continue Creative Arts & Sciences programs, support our teachers through mini grants, show appreciation to our staff, and continue to hold community events at our school next year. Our first Family Art Night was a huge success, Celebration Day was rain-free, and we bid our 5th graders a huge congratulations at their graduation.

Our wonderful teacher representatives, Sarah Jang and Jen Terrazzino would like to share their last words of the year:

It has been an amazing year of building community at Lincoln-Eliot! Dr. Morse led us in bringing new initiatives to life this year. We started LEAP groups – cross grade level groups of students and teachers that meet monthly – which quickly became a time everyone looked forward to. Students voted on an official LEAPs song, and danced their way to their group each month. We are excited to welcome new Kindergartners to our groups next year! Another new community event we enjoyed was monthly assemblies planned by 5th Grade Student Council and Dr. Morse. They highlighted a grade level each time we met. Professionally, the staff focused on building expertise in teaching in a way that values each student’s culture and the unique experiences, strengths and learning styles they bring to the classroom. Finally, thanks to you all, we are able to enjoy rich educational programs that supplemented all of the hard work in the classroom. The staff cannot thank you enough for all you do for our Leopards! Have a wonderful summer!