Category Archives: Community News

Welcome to Our New Music Teacher!

While we were all sad to see Ms. Nelson go, we are so happy to welcome Lincoln-Eliot’s new music teacher, Ms. Leigh Schoepflin!

Ms. Schoepflin says:  “I grew up in Southeast Pennsylvania and started playing viola in 3rd grade. I enjoy cheering my students as they reach new heights and help them find new ways to reach for their best. When I am not doing something musical, I enjoy hiking and spending time with my family. I am excited to be working at Lincoln-Eliot and am looking forward to what Boston has to offer!”

Please stop by on Curriculum Night and welcome her to our school!

Pizza Tuesdays Are Back!

Pizza sales will begin at 12:30 p.m. at the Jackson Road entrance starting Tuesday, September 18th.  All proceeds directly support the 5th grade camping trip in June 2019.  Thank you in advance for supporting our students.

$2.00 Pizza by the slice, $12.00 for the Whole Pizza, $1.00 for baked goods

Or pre-order your whole pizza by 6:00 p.m. Monday and pay only $10.00 (discount for pre-orders only).  To pre-order a whole pizza, please contact Siobhan Wheeler (email: or text: 617-504-3634).  All pre-orders must be placed on Mondays by 6:00 p.m.

Principal Update 9.17.18

Dear Families,

Wow! What a great turn out at the Back to School Picnic on Thursday evening. It was wonderful to see so many families come together to celebrate the start of the school year. Thank you to our PTO for hosting the event.

We had our first fire drill of the school year on Friday. The scholars and staff did an amazing job exiting the building safely in under 3 minutes. Way to go!

Just a reminder that our new arrival procedure for families that drive to school will begin on Monday, September 17, 2018. Please be sure to follow the procedure to ensure a smooth arrival for our scholars. (For more details, see the letter that was sent home earlier this week: Blue Zone Rules.pdf)

Please mark the following dates on your calendars:

  • Monday, September 17th: PTO meeting from 6:30pm -7:30pm in the Library  (Childcare provided in the gym.)
  • Wednesday, September 19th: Yom Kippur: No School
  • Thursday, September 27th: Early Release Day: 12:30 dismissal time
  • Thursday, September 27th: Curriculum Night from 6:00pm – 7:00pm (Title 1 staff will be available to discuss Title 1 services.)
  • Friday, September 28th: Picture Day

Open House/Curriculum Night: 

Our Curriculum Night open house will be taking place on Thursday, September 27th from 6:00pm – 7:00pm. Grades K-2 teachers will be presenting for families from 6:00- 6:20, grades 3- 5 teachers will present for families from 6:25- 6:45. Specialists will be located in the Library and the PTO and SEPAC will have a table by the Jackson Road entrance — please stop by and say hello!

Please note childcare will not be provided during the open house and families are responsible for their students while onsite. An adult family member should accompany students at all times. 

We look forward to seeing everyone there!

Principal Morrissey

First PTO Meeting of the Year: Monday, September 17th!

Please join us for the first PTO meeting of the year on Monday, September 17th, at 6:30pm in the library.  A note that the date was wrong in the Welcome Packet — we changed the meeting to Monday so it wouldn’t conflict with Yom Kippur — but we hope everyone can make it on Monday!

We’ll be talking about what the PTO does, upcoming events for the year, and ways to get involved, and answering any questions you might have.  Childcare will be provided in the gym, so please feel free to bring your kids if you need to!

Directions: Enter by the Jackson Road entrance, walk straight past the gym, and turn right down the second hallway.  The library is at the bottom of the stairs on the right.

Hopefully see you there!  🙂

Reading Corner: A Book Pick from Principal Morrissey

Each week we’ll be sharing a book recommendation from someone in our school community — and our first book pick comes from our lovely principal!

Principal Morrissey’s favorite new book is Today is the Day:

Today is the Day is about Tommy, a young boy with big dreams who hopes for a variety of great careers and adventures in his future.  Unfortunately, his aspirations are met with some opposition from the people around him…

Principal Morrissey loves this story because it reminds us to never give up on our dreams, no matter what obstacles come our way.  Today is the Day is also special to her because her 23-year-old nephew Michael Morrissey is the author!  Principal Morrissey is so proud of Michael’s accomplishment and thrilled to share this book with everyone.

Live-Action Blue Zone Spectacular

As Principal Morrissey’s letter said earlier this week, morning drop-off can be chaotic, and everyone would like it to be safer and easier!  A new procedure goes into effect on Monday, September 17, and in an effort to make the Blue Zone rules clearer, the staff and a few families put together a helpful video demonstrating how it should work:

Thank you for your help as we all try to make mornings a bit less stressful for everyone!  🙂

Back to School Picnic Rescheduled Due to Rain

We were holding out hope that the weather would give us a break, but it is not to be!  So the Back to School Picnic tonight has been rescheduled for tomorrow, Thursday Sept. 13, from 5:30-7pm.  Thank you to everyone who brought in something for the bake sale — we’ll hang on to it until tomorrow!  And thank you to our volunteers; we hope the same time slots still work for you tomorrow, but if they don’t, please sign in to My School Anywhere and change your signup.  (And since we’re likely to lose a few volunteers, if you weren’t signed up but can make it, please take a look at the list and sign up if you can!)

Fingers crossed for better weather tomorrow!  🙂

Principal Update 9.10.18

Dear Families,

We had an amazing first week of school! Thank you for your help in making the week a success. It was so nice to see our scholars busy making new friends, learning routines and building classroom communities. It is going to be a great school year!

Please mark the following dates on your calendars:

  • Monday, September 10th: Rosh Hashanah: No School
  • Wednesday, September 12th: PTO Back to School Picnic: 5:30 -7:00pm on the playground
  • Monday, September 17th: PTO meeting from 6:30pm -7:30pm in the library
  • Wednesday, September 19th: Yom Kippur: No School
  • Thursday, September 27th: Early Release Day: 12:30 dismissal time
  • Thursday, September 27th: Curriculum Night from 6:00pm – 7:00pm (Title 1 staff will be available to discuss Title 1 services.)
  • Friday, September 28th: Picture Day


The cost of lunch is $3.30, water and juice is $.90 and milk is $.75. More information about the lunch program can be found here

Below is the link to the Free and Reduced Lunch Application. Please call the Lincoln Eliot Office if you need help completing this form.

Late arrival

If your child arrives after 8:30am, please drop them off at the Pearl Street entrance. Also, please remind them to stop by the main office before heading to class.


Dogs are not allowed on school property but we have come up with a plan that should work for all. If you choose to walk your dog to school at arrival and dismissal times, you and your dog must wait by the Flagpole on the corner of Pearl St and Jackson Rd. Make sure to inform your child’s teacher that you give permission for your child to walk to the Flagpole area on his/her own. It is imperative that you talk with your child to create a plan in case you are late. Make sure to communicate that plan to your child’s teacher.

Please see the message below from Nurse Kristen:

Get the flu vaccine at school, not the flu!

Seasonal flu vaccination clinics will be held during the school day at the Newton Public Schools beginning in late September. Students in Kindergarten through grade 12 may receive vaccine.

The Lincoln Eliot Elementary clinic will be on October 11, 2018. Each student to be vaccinated must have a parent/guardian complete two forms:

  1. Consent/Screening form
  2. Vaccine administration record/Insurance form.

Forms are available in the school nurse’s office, or may be downloaded at You may electronically complete the form, print, sign and return. Forms are due to the School Nurse October 5, 2018.

Only the flu shot (no nasal spray) will be offered at school this year. The Vaccine Information Statement about the flu shot, and additional information for families including tips on preparing kids for a shot is available at or in the school nurse’s office. There is no cost to receive the vaccine, but insurance information is requested. All students, regardless of insurance status, are invited to receive vaccine with parent permission.

Students are not required to receive flu vaccine, however the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends flu vaccine for all people age 6 months and up. There are many places to get a flu vaccine including at school, your primary health care provider or community clinics. For additional clinic dates for the whole family, visit

In addition to vaccination, it is important to practice good hand hygiene and cough etiquette by washing hands often; covering coughs and sneezes with a tissue or the arm; and staying home when sick.

For more flu prevention tips, talk to the school nurse or check out these websites: and

September 12: Back to School Picnic!

The Lincoln-Eliot PTO hopes you had a wonderful first week of school!  And we hope you can all join us to celebrate at our annual Back to School Picnic on Wednesday, September 12, on the playground from 5:30-7pm!  It’s a great chance to connect with old friends and make some new ones.  🙂  We’ll be selling pizza, water, and dessert, with all the proceeds going toward the programs, activities, library books, technology, and other materials that the PTO provides for the school.

Baked goods for the bake sale can be dropped off at the office on Wednesday morning or brought to the picnic.  And thank you so much to everyone who has signed up to help!  There are still a few slots open — please sign up here if you’d like to volunteer!

First PTO Meeting Date: Monday, Sept. 17

Please note that the date of the first PTO meeting has been changed to Monday, September 17, at 6:30pm in the library.  Childcare will be provided in the gym.  Join us to learn more about what the PTO does, where our funds go, and how to get involved to help our school and students!

And if you’re interested in signing up for something now, there is a list of open PTO positions on our SignUp page — we’d love for you to check it out and sign up for something!  The most urgent areas where we need help are: the Halloween Dance Committee, the Creative Arts and Sciences Committee, and Spirit Wear Coordinators.  Please feel free to contact us at with any questions.  We appreciate all your help!