Category Archives: Community News

Principal Update 5.13.18

May 13, 2018


Dear Families,

Morning drop off and afternoon pick up continue to be unsafe and chaotic. I wanted to take a moment to remind you of the city of Newton’s blue zone regulations in an effort to ensure a smooth arrival and dismissal. Thank you for your cooperation.

 The Blue Zone: School Drop-off and Pick-up Zones

The city of Newton has created designated drop-off and pick-up areas at many schools in the city. These school drop off and pick up zones have been created and authorized by city ordinance #19-179 and are commonly referred to as “Blue-Zones”.

School drop-off and pick-up zones were designed to allow for improved traffic flow and safer drop off and pick up of students. School drop off zones are in effect Monday through Friday on days that school is in session. The ordinance specifically states:

  • No vehicle may park in a school drop off zone from 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start of school until the scheduled start of school.
  • No vehicle may park in a school drop off zone from one hour prior to the scheduled end of school until 30 minutes after the scheduled end of school.
  • Vehicles may stop in the school drop off zone during the above restricted times to engage in the dropping off or picking up of passengers, which shall not be permitted for a period of longer than one (1) minute.

Parking is allowed in a school drop off zone outside of restricted times.

For these drop off and pick up zones to work correctly, the following must occur:

  • No vehicles may be parked or left unattended in a school drop off zone during the restricted times. This includes parents waiting for their child to come out of or go into the school.
  • No illegally parked vehicles can be waiting near the school, for example in restricted parking areas, within corners, blocking driveways, bus stops, etc.
  • Parents should not pick up students when double or tripled parked.
  • Students must enter and exit on the sidewalk side of the vehicle.
  • Other parking restrictions around the school area must be enforced. 

The Newton Special Educator Awards : Nominate a Lincoln-Eliot staff member for the The Newton Special Educator Awards ! Awards are presented to Newton faculty and staff members who have done exceptional work with students receiving special education services in our school . Please submit your nomination by June 5 – link here:

Spotlight on School Health

As the end of the school year approaches, we thought we would share some school health updates and some “by the numbers” highlights from the year so far.

As of this month, the professional nurses in each of the 23 Newton Public Schools buildings have completed more than 61,000 office visits with students from preschool through grade 12. Of those, approximately 9,600 are unique student visits. With just over 13,000 students in the district, this means that 73 percent of the student population has had at least one visit with the school nurse for a reason other than screening. Reasons could include anything from illness, injury, emotional needs or medication administration. More than 94 percent of those students have returned to class after their visit with the school nurse to continue learning for the day.

The nurses have completed more than 18,000 health screenings including vision, hearing, postural, body mass index and substance use.

Some other school health facts include:

  • 1,225 lost teeth
  • 3,839 headaches
  • 11,225 medication administrations
  • 3,231 Flu shots at school
  • 10 epinephrine administrations
  • 2,948 abrasions
  • 4,591 bumps/bruises

As you can see by this glimpse of how busy the district’s health rooms are, we are pleased to share that three additional full-time school nurses will be part of the school health team beginning next school year.

The health room door is open to students, staff and parents anytime. The Newton school nurses are proud to participate in the academic achievement of all students. After all, students must “learn to be healthy and be healthy to learn.”

Mark your Calendar:

  • May 24th 4th& 5th grade Spring Concert: 7:00pm- 8:00pm
  • May 28th No School: memorial Day
  • May 30- June 1: Camp Wing: 5th grade
  • June 6th: 5th Grade Spring Show: 7:00pm- 8:00pm
  • Thursday, June 14th: International Night 5:30 – 7:00

   MCAS 2018

   STE (5th Only)  

Date Friday, 5.18.18 Monday, 5.21.18
Grade Level 5th 5th



  • Parking is challenging at Lincoln Eliot but please do not park in the teacher’s parking lot at pick up time. Due to safety concerns, we need to keep the fire lane clear and teachers and other staff members are sometimes blocked in. Thank you for your cooperation.
  • FORJ (Families Organizing for Racial Justice) is a coalition of school-aged families in Newton coming together to teach our children – and ourselves – how to stand up for racial equality. Each school in the district has a team of parents organizing FORJ and the Lincoln-Eliot team is looking for more parents who are interested in enhancing our diverse community through this race, culture, and identity work. If you’re interested in learning more about FORJ at Lincoln-Eliot, please contact L-E parent Lanni Isenberg,

Click here for the FORJ Newton Facebook page, which includes info on FORJ Newton events.


A few reminders from previous weeks:

  • Arrival and Dismissal:
  • Arrival and dismissal time has become a bit chaotic and dangerous at times. As a result, I am asking you to please adhere to the following to ensure the safety of all scholars:
  • Students should only be let out of the car on the curbside of the street never into the street.
  • The blue zone (on both Pearl Street and Jackson Road) is a no parking zone; it should be used for quick drop off and pick up only
  • If coming from the Capital Street area, please cross students at the Pearl/Jackson light in the designated crosswalk; not in front of cars on Jackson Street.
  • The fire lane in the staff parking lot is a no parking zone


  • Dogs:

Dogs are not allowed on school property but we have come up with a plan that should work for all. If you choose to walk your dog to school at arrival and dismissal times, you and your dog must wait by the Flagpole on the corner of Pearl St and Jackson Rd. Make sure to inform your child’s teacher that you give permission for your child to walk to the Flagpole area on his/her own. It is imperative that you talk with your child to create a plan in case you are late. Make sure to communicate that plan to your child’s teacher.


  • In an effort to ensure student safety, we are asking for parents and teachers to remind students NOT to climb through the bushes in the front of the school when entering or exiting the building. Thank you for your assistance with this matter.


  • Please notify the office if you have a change of address or phone number. It is important to have up to date contact information in the case of an emergency.

Principal Update 5.7.18


Dear Families,

Mission Statement update: We have a winner with 71% of the student and staff votes and 54% of the families’ votes. Our new mission statement is as follows: At Lincoln Eliot we celebrate our diversity and work together to learn, grow, succeed and become our best selves. Thank you to everyone who voted!

Mark your Calendar:

  • May 8th PTO staff luncheon
  • May 8th Last PTO meeting 6:30-7:30pm
  • May 10th Ride, bike or roll to school day
  • May 24th 4th& 5th grade Spring Concert: 7:00pm- 8:00pm
  • May 28th No School: memorial Day
  • May 30- June 1: Camp Wing: 5th grade
  • June 6th: 5th Grade Spring Show: 7:00pm- 8:00pm
  • Thursday, June 14th: International Night 5:30 – 7:00

                                                 MCAS 2018

     STE (5th Only)  

Date Friday, 5.18.18 Monday, 5.21.18
Grade Level 5th 5th


  • Teacher Appreciation Week is this week: May 7-11! If you want to do something special for your child’s teacher or other staff this year, consider the Newton Schools Foundation’s Honor Thy Teacher Make a $25 donation (or any amount) to the foundation in the teacher’s name. Notifications will be sent to each teacher honored, as well as to Principals and the Superintendent. Their names will appear in a special announcement in the Newton TAB.  Look for a flyer in your child’s backpack or in your mailbox if you have children in the upper grades. To donate online and to find out more about the programs NSF funds, go to Donations are tax-deductible and go toward programs enhancing educational excellence, including valuable professional development opportunities for teachers, initiatives to close the achievement gap, and a wealth of new curricula and learning opportunities for elementary, middle and high school students.



  • Parking is challenging at Lincoln Eliot but please do not park in the teacher’s parking lot at pick up time. Due to safety concerns, we need to keep the fire lane clear and teachers and other staff members are sometimes blocked in. Thank you for your cooperation.
  • FORJ (Families Organizing for Racial Justice) is a coalition of school-aged families in Newton coming together to teach our children – and ourselves – how to stand up for racial equality. Each school in the district has a team of parents organizing FORJ and the Lincoln-Eliot team is looking for more parents who are interested in enhancing our diverse community through this race, culture, and identity work.

If you’re interested in learning more about FORJ at Lincoln-Eliot, please contact L-E parent Lanni Isenberg,

Click here for the FORJ Newton Facebook page, which includes info on FORJ Newton events.


A few reminders from previous weeks:

  • Arrival and Dismissal:
  • Arrival and dismissal time has become a bit chaotic and dangerous at times. As a result, I am asking you to please adhere to the following to ensure the safety of all scholars:
  • Students should only be let out of the car on the curbside of the street never into the street.
  • The blue zone (on both Pearl Street and Jackson Road) is a no parking zone; it should be used for quick drop off and pick up only
  • If coming from the Capital Street area, please cross students at the Pearl/Jackson light in the designated crosswalk; not in front of cars on Jackson Street.
  • The fire lane in the staff parking lot is a no parking zone


  • Dogs:

Dogs are not allowed on school property but we have come up with a plan that should work for all. If you choose to walk your dog to school at arrival and dismissal times, you and your dog must wait by the Flagpole on the corner of Pearl St and Jackson Rd. Make sure to inform your child’s teacher that you give permission for your child to walk to the Flagpole area on his/her own. It is imperative that you talk with your child to create a plan in case you are late. Make sure to communicate that plan to your child’s teacher.


  • In an effort to ensure student safety, we are asking for parents and teachers to remind students NOT to climb through the bushes in the front of the school when entering or exiting the building. Thank you for your assistance with this matter.
  • Please notify the office if you have a change of address or phone number. It is important to have up to date contact information in the case of an emergency.





It’s not too late! The PTO spends nearly $100 on each student per year and we can’t do it without your support! Your contributions help provide Creative Arts & Sciences programming, tech equipment, library books, buses for field trips, playground support and more.

If you’ve already donated, thank you! It’s never too late! Our goal is for every family to contribute ANY amount they choose. You may donate online at or by sending cash or a check to school with this form. ANNUAL FUND DONATION FORM

Newton School Survey on Recycling, Solid Waste and Composting – Volunteers Needed

Newton School Survey on Recycling, Solid Waste and Composting – Volunteers Needed

Newton’s Director of Environmental Affairs, Waneta Trabert, has asked Green Newton’s Schools Connections group to help conduct a study of current waste, recycling and composting practices in Newton Schools.  The data will help to better focus city resources on significantly improving the sustainability of our schools.

We are seeking one (or two) volunteers from each of the following schools to help us complete the surveys: Burr, Countryside, Franklin, Horace-Mann, Lincoln-Eliot, Zervas, Ward, FA DAY and Oak Hill.  We have volunteers for the schools not listed above. The deadline for data entry is May 16 and your help would be greatly appreciated.

The survey is fairly extensive and will help us get valuable information on existing practices at individual schools. You can take a look: Sustainable Materials Management Survey.

We are asking that the assessment  be completed by a person or group that has an existing relationship to the school. Primarily the assessment involves documenting observations by doing a walk-through of the school. Some questions may require communication with custodial staff, administrative staff, or faculty. We ask that you read through the assessment BEFORE starting it, and please plan for a around 5 business days to complete it.

To volunteer, please contact



 Dear L-E Community,

The annual L-E Teacher & Staff Appreciation Luncheon is planned for Tuesday, May 8th (12:30pm-2:30pm in the Cafeteria). We need volunteers to help with set-up (13:030-12:30), serving (12:30-1:30 & 1:30-2:30) and clean up (2:30-3:00), as well as donations of side dishes (ie. salads of any kind), drinks and desserts! Cash donations to purchase supplies are also welcome. Food/Drinks can be dropped off in the office all morning on May 8th or can be brought to the cafeteria at noon. Use the link below to sign up, or contact Elizabeth ( or Andrea (  with questions. Thank you!

Sign up link 

Principal Update 4.29.18

April 29, 2018

Dear Families,

As we come to the final months of the school year, we have many events that will be taking place at Lincoln Eliot. Please mark your calendars!

Mark your Calendar:

  • Thursday, May 3rd: Early Release
  • May 10th: Walk, bike or ride to school day
  • May 15th PTO staff luncheon
  • May 24th 4th& 5th grade Spring Concert 7:00pm- 8:00pm
  • May 28th No School: memorial Day
  • May 29th 12:45- 2:00 Incoming Kindergarten Visting Day
  • May 30- June 1: Camp Wing: 5th grade
  • June 6th : 5th Grade Spring Show 7:00pm- 8:00pm
  • June 14th: International Night 5:30 – 7:00


MCAS 2018


Date Friday, 4.27.18 Monday,


Tuesday, 5.1.18 Wednesday, 5.2.18 Friday, 5.4.18 Monday, 5.7.18
Grade Level 4th 5th 3rd 4th 5th 3rd


     STE (5th Only) 

Date Friday, 5.18.18 Monday, 5.21.18
Grade Level 5th 5th


  • Teacher Appreciation Week is May 7-11! If you want to do something special for your child’s teacher or other staff this year, consider the Newton Schools Foundation’s Honor Thy Teacher Make a $25 donation (or any amount) to the foundation in the teacher’s name. Notifications will be sent to each teacher honored, as well as to Principals and the Superintendent. Their names will appear in a special announcement in the Newton TAB.  Look for a flyer in your child’s backpack or in your mailbox if you have children in the upper grades. To donate online and to find out more about the programs NSF funds, go to Donations are tax-deductible and go toward programs enhancing educational excellence, including valuable professional development opportunities for teachers, initiatives to close the achievement gap, and a wealth of new curricula and learning opportunities for elementary, middle and high school students.



  • Parking is challenging at Lincoln Eliot but please do not park in the teacher’s parking lot at pick up time. Due to safety concerns, we need to keep the fire lane clear and teachers and other staff members are sometimes blocked in. Thank you for your cooperation.


  • FORJ (Families Organizing for Racial Justice) is a coalition of school-aged families in Newton coming together to teach our children – and ourselves – how to stand up for racial equality. Each school in the district has a team of parents organizing FORJ and the Lincoln-Eliot team is looking for more parents who are interested in enhancing our diverse community through this race, culture, and identity work.


If you’re interested in learning more about FORJ at Lincoln-Eliot, please contact L-E parent Lanni Isenberg,


Click here for the FORJ Newton Facebook page, which includes info on FORJ Newton events.


A few reminders from previous weeks:

  • Arrival and Dismissal:
  • Arrival and dismissal time has become a bit chaotic and dangerous at times. As a result, I am asking you to please adhere to the following to ensure the safety of all scholars:
  • Students should only be let out of the car on the curbside of the street never into the street.
  • The blue zone (on both Pearl Street and Jackson Road) is a no parking zone; it should be used for quick drop off and pick up only
  • If coming from the Capital Street area, please cross students at the Pearl/Jackson light in the designated crosswalk; not in front of cars on Jackson Street.
  • The fire lane in the staff parking lot is a no parking zone


  • Dogs:

Dogs are not allowed on school property but we have come up with a plan that should work for all. If you choose to walk your dog to school at arrival and dismissal times, you and your dog must wait by the Flagpole on the corner of Pearl St and Jackson Rd. Make sure to inform your child’s teacher that you give permission for your child to walk to the Flagpole area on his/her own. It is imperative that you talk with your child to create a plan in case you are late. Make sure to communicate that plan to your child’s teacher.


  • In an effort to ensure student safety, we are asking for parents and teachers to remind students NOT to climb through the bushes in the front of the school when entering or exiting the building. Thank you for your assistance with this matter.


  • Please notify the office if you have a change of address or phone number. It is important to have up to date contact information in the case of an emergency.