Category Archives: Community News

Prinicpal Update 3.25.18

Dear Families,

This is an exciting time of elementary school facilities renovation and expansion in the Newton Public Schools. The second phase of student reassignment has begun in the 2017-18 school year in advance of the completion of the new Cabot School and the planned move of the Horace Mann School to the Carr building in September 2019.

The Student Assignment Working Group is ONLINE with regular updates and information – and outreach to residents in affected areas has begun. Feedback will help the working group refine scenarios over the next few months to arrive at a recommendation in June. It is important to understand that no currently enrolled families will be impacted – student assignment changes only apply to future enrollment.

There are Seven Preliminary Scenarios that involve some areas near Cabot including boundaries with Horace Mann, Franklin, Pierce, Burr and Underwood. Also, the area of the Lincoln-Eliot school district near the Carr building on Nevada Street is impacted. Some key streets and surrounding areas that may potentially be impacted include: Adams, Bridge, Central, Prescott, Court, Washington, Parsons, Eliot, Taft, Harding, Morrill, Elm and Cherry.

Some additional scenarios have been investigated but are not progressing due to key drawbacks including timing, walkability, or the less balanced enrollments that could result. A detailed presentation on the methods used and rationale for scenarios was provided at School Committee on February 12, 2018 and is available on line at NewTV. Contact your School Committee representatives on the working group at and

If you would like to receive regular updates from the Student Assignment Working Group, please email to request to be added to the distribution list.


Mark your Calendar:

  • Friday, March 30th: No School: Good Friday
  • Thursday, April 5th: In celebration of Red Sox opening day please have students wear Red Sox gear or red, white and blue clothing.
  • April 16- 20: April Vacation: No School

2018 MCAS Testing Schedule




Monday, 4.2.18 Tuesday, 4.3.18


Wednesday, 4.4.18 Thursday, 4.5.18 Friday, 4.6.18 Monday, 4.9.19
Grade Level 3rd 3rd 4th 5th 4th 5th


Date Friday, 4.27.18 Monday,


Tuesday, 5.1.18 Wednesday, 5.2.18 Friday, 5.4.18 Monday, 5.7.18
Grade Level 4th 5th 3rd 4th 5th 3rd


STE (5th Only)

Date Friday, 5.18.18 Monday, 5.21.18
Grade Level 5th 5th


  • Parking is challenging at Lincoln Eliot but please do not park in the teacher’s parking lot at pick up time. Due to safety concerns, we need to keep the fire lane clear and teachers and other staff members are sometimes blocked in. Thank you for your cooperation.
  • FORJ (Families Organizing for Racial Justice) is a coalition of school-aged families in Newton coming together to teach our children – and ourselves – how to stand up for racial equality. Each school in the district has a team of parents organizing FORJ and the Lincoln-Eliot team is looking for more parents who are interested in enhancing our diverse community through this race, culture, and identity work. If you’re interested in learning more about FORJ at Lincoln-Eliot, please contact L-E parent Lanni Isenberg,

Click here for the FORJ Newton Facebook page, which includes info on FORJ Newton events.


A few reminders from previous weeks:

  • Arrival and Dismissal:
  • Arrival and dismissal time has become a bit chaotic and dangerous at times. As a result, I am asking you to please adhere to the following to ensure the safety of all scholars:
  • Students should only be let out of the car on the curbside of the street never into the street.
  • The blue zone (on both Pearl Street and Jackson Road) is a no parking zone; it should be used for quick drop off and pick up only
  • If coming from the Capital Street area, please cross students at the Pearl/Jackson light in the designated crosswalk; not in front of cars on Jackson Street.
  • The fire lane in the staff parking lot is a no parking zone


  • Dogs:
  • Dogs are not allowed on school property but we have come up with a plan that should work for all. If you choose to walk your dog to school at arrival and dismissal times, you and your dog must wait by the Flagpole on the corner of Pearl St and Jackson Rd. Make sure to inform your child’s teacher that you give permission for your child to walk to the Flagpole area on his/her own. It is imperative that you talk with your child to create a plan in case you are late. Make sure to communicate that plan to your child’s teacher.


  • In an effort to ensure student safety, we are asking for parents and teachers to remind students NOT to climb through the bushes in the front of the school when entering or exiting the building. Thank you for your assistance with this matter.
  • Please notify the office if you have a change of address or phone number. It is important to have up to date contact information in the case of an emergency.

Save the Date: Mom’s Night Out

Craft for a Cause!

Pine 2 Posh has teamed up with Lincoln-Eliot PTO for a fun night of creativity, friendship and support for our school. Join other parents and create your own personalized piece of wooden art. For every ticket sold, L-E receives $15. Teachers & staff welcome too!

WHEN: Friday, April 27th 7-9pm

WHERE: Donohue’s Bar & Grill, Watertown

More details here P2P Poster – Lincoln Eliot PTO

Questions? Please email

Urgent! Coordinator(s) Needed For Teacher Appreciation Luncheon

The PTO needs 1-2 people to coordinate this year’s Teacher Appreciation Luncheon! The coordinator(s) will serve as the contact person(s) for the event, and the PTO will help to gather volunteers, and coordinate publicity.  This event can not happen without your help! Questions? Contact Andrea at

Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
Date: May 15, 2018
Time: 12:30-2:30pm
Location: Cafeteria

Sock Drive Wrap-Up

Thank you for the donations of socks!  With the help of the Lincoln-Eliot community, the fifth graders were able to donate 866 pairs of socks to better the lives of people experiencing homelessness in our area.  Fifth graders publicized the Sock Drive through flyers and announcements, introduced the drive to each classroom and collected and counted the socks that were donated.  We are proud of their efforts!

We made our donation to Cradles to Crayons, an organization in Brighton that “strives to provide every child with the essentials they need to feel safe, warm, and valued.” The organization connects with local service partners to distribute what they’ve collected locally.  Thanks again for your help!

5th Grade Fundraising Event

Pancake Breakfast/Bazaar
to benefit the LE 5th grade Class Yearbook/Camping Trip
Monday April 16th
930am to 1230pm
Jackson Gardens Senior Hall
JFK Circle Nonantum
10$ Donation includes:
Pancakes(various toppings) Juice, water
Temporary Tattoos, including Henna!
Face Painting!
Adults and Seniors FREE
Penny Candy& Plant  Sale!
Adopt a Play Puppy Table!
DD Coffee!



Principal Update 3.11.18

Dear Families,

Mark your Calendar:

  • Friday, March 16th: Family Science Night
  • Saturday, March 24th: Newton Family Conference: has been postponed: future date TBD

Ms. Rossi will be out (beginning Tuesday) for about 2 weeks while she is on medical leave. Nancy Nathanson will be covering for Mrs. Rossi. Please join me in welcoming Ms. Nathanson back to Lincoln Eliot. 

2018 MCAS Testing Schedule




Monday, 4.2.18 Tuesday, 4.3.18


Wednesday, 4.4.18 Thursday, 4.5.18 Friday, 4.6.18 Monday, 4.9.19
Grade Level 3rd 3rd 4th 5th 4th 5th



Date Friday, 4.27.18 Monday,


Tuesday, 5.1.18 Wednesday, 5.2.18 Friday, 5.4.18 Monday, 5.7.18
Grade Level 4th 5th 3rd 4th 5th 3rd


     STE (5th Only) 

Date Friday, 5.18.18 Monday, 5.21.18
Grade Level 5th 5th


  • FORJ (Families Organizing for Racial Justice) is a coalition of school-aged families in Newton coming together to teach our children – and ourselves – how to stand up for racial equality. Each school in the district has a team of parents organizing FORJ and the Lincoln-Eliot team is looking for more parents who are interested in enhancing our diverse community through this race, culture, and identity work.

The Lincoln-Eliot FORJ chapter would like to know what types of events you’d be interested in, both for you and your kids. We will collect these 2-question surveys up to (and during!) the Science Fair on Friday, March 16th.

2018 Lincoln-Eliot Families Organizing for Racial Justice (FORJ) Survey

If you’re interested in learning more about FORJ at Lincoln-Eliot, please contact L-E parent Lanni Isenberg,

Click here for the FORJ Newton Facebook page, which includes info on FORJ Newton events.


A few reminders from previous weeks:

  • Arrival and Dismissal:
  • Arrival and dismissal time has become a bit chaotic and dangerous at times. As a result, I am asking you to please adhere to the following to ensure the safety of all scholars:
  • Students should only be let out of the car on the curbside of the street never into the street.
  • The blue zone (on both Pearl Street and Jackson Road) is a no parking zone; it should be used for quick drop off and pick up only
  • If coming from the Capital Street area, please cross students at the Pearl/Jackson light in the designated crosswalk; not in front of cars on Jackson Street.
  • The fire lane in the staff parking lot is a no parking zone

Dogs are not allowed on school property but we have come up with a plan that should work for all. If you choose to walk your dog to school at arrival and dismissal times, you and your dog must wait by the Flagpole on the corner of Pearl St and Jackson Rd. Make sure to inform your child’s teacher that you give permission for your child to walk to the Flagpole area on his/her own. It is imperative that you talk with your child to create a plan in case you are late. Make sure to communicate that plan to your child’s teacher.

  • In an effort to ensure student safety, we are asking for parents and teachers to remind students NOT to climb through the bushes in the front of the school when entering or exiting the building. Thank you for your assistance with this matter.
  • Please notify the office if you have a change of address or phone number. It is important to have up to date contact information in the case of an emergency.




Coordinator(s) Needed for Teacher Appreciation Luncheon

The PTO needs 1-2 people to coordinate this year’s Teacher Appreciation Luncheon! The coordinator(s) will serve as the contact person(s) for the event, help to gather volunteers, and help with publicity.  This event can not happen without your help! Questions? Contact Andrea at

Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
Date: May 15, 2018
Time: 12:30-2:30pm
Location: Cafeteria