Category Archives: Community News

Principal Update for the week of October 2, 2017

Dear Families,

Open House was a huge success. It was wonderful to see so many families in attendance. It was so nice to see the excitement on everyone’s faces. It was obvious Lincoln Eliot scholars were very excited to show their families around their classroom and school.

 Dogs: Dogs are not allowed on school property but we have come up with a plan that should work for all. If you choose to walk your dog to school at arrival and dismissal times, you and your dog must wait by the Flagpole on the corner of Pearl St and Jackson Rd. Make sure to inform your child’s teacher that you give permission for your child to walk to the Flagpole area on his/her own. It is imperative that you talk with your child to create a plan in case you are late. Make sure to communicate that plan to your child’s teacher.

 We are in need of some indoor recess games/activities (ex: Uno, Connect Four, Guess Who, markers, etc.). If you have any games that are not being used at home, please consider donating them to the school. Donated items can be dropped off at the main office.

 In an effort to ensure student safety, we are asking for parents and teachers to remind students NOT to climb through the bushes in the front of the school when entering or exiting the building. Thank you for your assistance with this matter.

 Help Lincoln-Eliot earn funds to help promote each student’s educational and intellectual growth…register with A+ School Rewards with Stop and Shop at Our school ID code is 05887.

 Please mark the following dates on your calendars:

o Friday, October 6: Safe Routes to School Day: please walk or ride a bike with your child. Check out the link below for more details:

o Monday, October 9: Columbus Day: No School

o Tuesday, October 17: Flu Shot Clinic at Lincoln- Eliot (see below for more details).

 Please notify the office if you have a change of address or phone number. It is important to have up to date contact information in the case of an emergency.


 Fire Lane Parking: When picking up students at dismissal please refrain from parking in the Fire Lane in the staff parking lot as it causes a safety hazard.

Pizza Tuesdays are back!! Pizza sales will begin at 12:30 p.m. at the Jackson Road entrance starting Tuesday, September 19th . All proceeds directly support the 5th grade camping trip in June 2018. Thank you in advance for supporting our students. $2.00 Pizza by the slice $10.00 for the Whole Pizza (must be preordered) $1.00 baked goods To pre-order a whole pizza, please contact Donna Vincenzino, email: or text: 617-217-1878. All pre-orders must be placed on Mondays by 6:00 p.m.

Shoo Flu: Get the flu vaccine at school, not the flu! Seasonal flu vaccination clinics will be held during the school day at the Newton Public Schools beginning in late September. Students in Kindergarten through grade 12 may receive vaccine. The Lincoln-Eliot clinic will be on October 17, 2017. Each student to be vaccinated must have a parent/guardian complete two forms: 1. Consent/Screening form 2. Vaccine administration record/Insurance form. Forms are available in the school nurse’s office, or may be downloaded at Forms are due to the School Nurse October 13, 2017. The flu shot is the only vaccine available this year due to continued CDC guidance against using Flumist, the nasal spray flu vaccine. The Vaccine Information Statement about the flu shot, and additional information for families including tips on preparing kids for a shot is available at or in the school nurse’s office. There is no cost to receive the vaccine, but insurance information is requested. All students, regardless of insurance status, are invited to receive vaccine with parent permission. Students are not required to receive flu vaccine, however the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends flu vaccine for all people age 6 months and up. There are many places to get a flu vaccine including at school, your primary health care provider or community clinics. For additional clinic dates for the whole family, visit In addition to vaccination, it is important to practice good hand hygiene and cough etiquette by washing hands often; covering coughs and sneezes with a tissue or the arm; and staying home when sick. For more flu prevention tips, talk to the school nurse or check out these websites: and

Principal Update for the week of September 25, 2017

Dear Families,

We are in need of some indoor recess games/activities (ex: Uno, Connect Four, Guess Who, markers, etc.). If you have any games that are not being used at home, please considering donating them to the school. Donated items can be dropped off at the main office.

Please mark the following dates on your calendars:
o Wednesday, September 27: Picture Day
o Wednesday, September 27: Early Release day: 12:30 dismissal
o Thursday, September 28: Open House 6:00pm- 7:00pm
o Friday, October 6: Safe Routes to School Day; please walk or ride a bike with your child. Check out the link below for more details:

Open House: Open House will be taking place on Thursday, September 28th from 6:00pm – 7:00pm. Grades K-2 teachers will be presenting for families from 6:00- 6:20, grades 3- 5 teachers will present for families from 6:25- 6:45. Specialists and Title One staff will be located in the Library please stop by and say “hello” and learn about their programs. Please note childcare will not be provided and families are responsible for their students while onsite. An adult family member should accompany students at all times.

Fire Lane Parking: When picking up students at dismissal please refrain from parking in the Fire Lane in the staff parking lot as it causes a safety hazard.

Lunch: The cost of lunch is $3.30 and milk is .75. More information about the lunch program can be found here Below is the link to the Free and Reduced Lunch Application Please call the Lincoln Eliot Office if you need help completing this form. pply=1

Pizza Tuesdays are back!! Pizza sales will begin at 12:30 p.m. at the Jackson Road entrance starting Tuesday, September 19th . All proceeds directly support the 5th grade camping trip in June 2018. Thank you in advance for supporting our students. $2.00 Pizza by the slice $10.00 for the Whole Pizza (must be preordered) $1.00 baked goods To pre-order a whole pizza, please contact Donna Vincenzino, email: or text: 617-217-1878. All pre-orders must be placed on Mondays by 6:00 p.m.

Shoo Flu: Get the flu vaccine at school, not the flu! Seasonal flu vaccination clinics will be held during the school day at the Newton Public Schools beginning in late September. Students in Kindergarten through grade 12 may receive vaccine. The Lincoln-Eliot clinic will be on October 17, 2017. Each student to be vaccinated must have a parent/guardian complete two forms: 1. Consent/Screening form 2. Vaccine administration record/Insurance form. Forms are available in the school nurse’s office, or may be downloaded at Forms are due to the School Nurse October 13, 2017.

The flu shot is the only vaccine available this year due to continued CDC guidance against using Flumist, the nasal spray flu vaccine. The Vaccine Information Statement about the flu shot, and additional information for families including tips on preparing kids for a shot is available at or in the school nurse’s office. There is no cost to receive the vaccine, but insurance information is requested. All students, regardless of insurance status, are invited to receive vaccine with parent permission. Students are not required to receive flu vaccine, however the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends flu vaccine for all people age 6 months and up. There are many places to get a flu vaccine including at school, your primary health care provider or community clinics. For additional clinic dates for the whole family, visit In addition to vaccination, it is important to practice good hand hygiene and cough etiquette by washing hands often; covering coughs and sneezes with a tissue or the arm; and staying home when sick. For more flu prevention tips, talk to the school nurse or check out these websites: and

Principal Update for the week of September 18, 2017

September 17, 2017

Dear Families,

It was wonderful to see so many families at the PTO picnic on Wednesday. I loved watching the smiles on our scholars’ faces as they enjoyed dinner outside and catching up with friends. Thank you to our PTO for a successful evening.

Please mark the following dates on your calendars:
o Tuesday, September 19: First PTO meeting of the year. Meetings are held in the cafeteria from 6:30pm- 7:30pm. Free child Care is available. Click here to see our agenda: LE Rolling PTO Agenda 2017-18
o Thursday, September 21: No School: Rosh Hashanah
o Wednesday, September 27: Picture Day (details to follow)
o Wednesday, September 27: Early Release day: 12:30 dismissal
o Thursday, September 28: Open House 6:00pm- 7:00pm
o Friday, October 6: Safe Routes to School Day; please walk or ride a bike with your child. Check out the link below for more details:


Open House:
Open House will be taking place on Thursday, September 28th from 6:00pm – 7:00pm. Grades K-2 teachers will be presenting for families from 6:00- 6:20, grades 3- 5 teachers will present for families from 6:25- 6:45. Specialists will be located in the Library please stop by and say “hello”.

Please note childcare will not be provided and families are responsible for their students while onsite. An adult family member should accompany students at all times.

Fire Lane Parking:
When picking up students at dismissal please refrain from parking in the Fire Lane in the staff parking lot as it causes a safety hazard.

The cost of lunch is $3.30 and milk is .75. More information about the lunch program can be found here

Below is the link to the Free and Reduced Lunch Application
Please call the Lincoln Eliot Office if you need help completing this form. pply=1

Pizza Tuesdays are back!!
Pizza sales will begin at 12:30 p.m. at the Jackson Road entrance starting Tuesday, September 19th.
All proceeds directly support the 5th grade camping trip in June 2018. Thank you in advance for supporting our students.

$2.00 Pizza by the slice
$10.00 for the Whole Pizza (must be preordered) $1.00 baked goods

To pre-order a whole pizza, please contact Donna Vincenzino, email: or text: 617-217-1878. All pre-orders must be placed on Mondays by 6:00 p.m.

Shoo Flu: Get the flu vaccine at school, not the flu!
Seasonal flu vaccination clinics will be held during the school day at the Newton Public Schools beginning in late September. Students in Kindergarten through grade 12 may receive vaccine.

The Lincoln-Eliot clinic will be on October 17, 2017. Each student to be vaccinated must have a parent/guardian complete two forms:

  1. Consent/Screening form
  2. Vaccine administration record/Insurance form.

Forms are available in the school nurse’s office, or may be downloaded at Forms are due to the School Nurse October 13, 2017.

The flu shot is the only vaccine available this year due to continued CDC guidance against using Flumist, the nasal spray flu vaccine. The Vaccine Information Statement about the flu shot, and additional information for families including tips on preparing kids for a shot is available at or in the school nurse’s office. There is no cost to receive the vaccine, but insurance information is requested. All students, regardless of insurance status, are invited to receive vaccine with parent permission.

Students are not required to receive flu vaccine, however the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends flu vaccine for all people age 6 months and up. There are many places to get a flu vaccine including at school, your primary health care provider or community clinics. For additional clinic dates for the whole family, visit

In addition to vaccination, it is important to practice good hand hygiene and cough etiquette by washing hands often; covering coughs and sneezes with a tissue or the arm; and staying home when sick.

For more flu prevention tips, talk to the school nurse or check out these websites: and

Back To School Picnic Wednesday, Sept. 13th


 Wednesday, September 13, 2017
(Rain date: Thursday, Sept. 14th)

5:30-7:00 p.m. on the L-E playground

Bring dinner, a blanket
and meet up with old and new friends!
(We’ll be selling pizza, water and dessert)

We need baked goods for the bake sale. Please drop them off Wednesday morning in the office or bring them to the picnic.

 Proceeds benefit the L-E PTO Learn more at:

Principal Update for the week of September 10, 2017

September 10, 2017

Dear Families,

We had an amazing first week of school! Thank you for your help in making the week a success.Our scholars were busy making new friends, learning routines and building classroom communities. It was nice to see so many happy, smiling faces after the summer break.

Please mark the following dates on your calendars:

  • Wednesday, September 13: PTO Back to School Picnic from 5:30 -7:00 on the playground. Rain date will be September 14th. Pizza, water and desserts will be available for purchase.
  • Tuesday, September 19: First PTO meeting of the year. Meetings are held in the cafeteria from 6:30pm- 7:30pm
  • Thursday, September 21: No School: Rosh Hashanah
  • Wednesday, September 27: Picture Day (details to follow)
  • Thursday, September 28: Open House 6:00pm- 7:00pm
  • Friday, October 6: Safe Routes to School Day; please walk or ride a bike with your child. Check out the link below for more details:



The cost of lunch is $3.30 and milk is .75. More information about the lunch program can be found here
Below is the link to the Free and Reduced Lunch Application
Please call the Lincoln Eliot Office if you need help completing this form.

Shoo Flu:

Get the flu vaccine at school, not the flu! Seasonal flu vaccination clinics will be held during the school day at the Newton Public Schools beginning in late September. Students in Kindergarten through grade 12 may receive vaccine.

The Lincoln-Eliot clinic will be on October 17, 2017. Each student to be vaccinated must have a parent/guardian complete two forms:

  1. Consent/Screening form
  2. Vaccine administration record/Insurance form.

Forms are available in the school nurse’s office, or may be downloaded at Forms are due to the School Nurse October 13, 2017.

The flu shot is the only vaccine available this year due to continued CDC guidance against using Flumist, the nasal spray flu vaccine. The Vaccine Information Statement about the flu shot, and additional information for families including tips on preparing kids for a shot is available at or in the school nurse’s office. There is no cost to receive the vaccine, but insurance information is requested. All students, regardless of insurance status, are invited to receive vaccine with parent permission.

Students are not required to receive flu vaccine, however the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends flu vaccine for all people age 6 months and up. There are many places to get a flu vaccine including at school, your primary health care provider or community clinics. For additional clinic dates for the whole family, visit

In addition to vaccination, it is important to practice good hand hygiene and cough etiquette by washing hands often; covering coughs and sneezes with a tissue or the arm; and staying home when sick.

For more flu prevention tips, talk to the school nurse or check out these websites: and


Principal Update for the week of June 5, 2017

June 5, 2017

Dear Lincoln Eliot Families,

Today was the first annual Live Like Laura 5K.  It was a sparkling day full of community spirit.  Laura’s family, Lincoln Eliot staff, friends from close and far were there to run/walk in her memory.  All money raised will go to support cardiac research at Mass General Hospital.  

Fifth graders arrived home on Friday after two nights at Camp Wing.  Students looked tired and happy – all signs that they had a great time.  Be sure to check out the lost and found for unclaimed items from camp.

We had our all school assembly on the topic of voice volume on Tuesday.  Students observed videos of their teachers demonstrating  different voice volumes.  Teachers have been reviewing matching the appropriate voice volume to settings around the school.

Thanks to Jeanne Conley for providing K-2 parents with wonderful reading and writing resources at the Light the Fire for Literacy event this past week.  This free event was funded by the Title 1 Program.  We encourage all parents to make reading a priority over the summer so that students will maintain or strengthen their current level of reading.  

Remember to return all library books!

The PTO has two reminders.

There is a PTO meeting on Tuesday, June 6th  from 6:30-7:30pm in the LE Cafeteria

1. End of year review
2. 2017-18 Budget Vote and Volunteer Opportunities
3. Fundraising goals and plans for 2017-18
4.  Meet and greet with new principal Danielle Morrissey
Childcare provided – All are welcome!

Save The Date: End of Year Picnic

Wednesday, June 14th. – 5:30-7:00 pm
LE Playground
PTO will sell pizza, water and baked goods
More info to follow!

We’re getting ready for Celebration Day on June 13.   Please go to this link to see flyer and to print a volunteer signup form.  We are hoping for a rainbow of Lincoln Eliot students!  Therefore, we are asking that students at each grade level wear a specific color T-shirt/shirt.   Colors for grade levels are as follows:

K- yellow
1- Blue
2- Green
3- Orange
4- Red
5- Purple

Honor a Teacher While Supporting the Newton Schools Foundation

Are you looking for a way to honor and thank the exceptional teachers and staff who have motivated, educated and inspired your students to grow and achieve all year? Consider participating in Newton Schools Foundations’ Honor Thy Teacher campaign. This special program, now in its 20th year, enables families to thank teachers or other school personnel by giving a gift to NSF in their honor.

After receiving each donation (suggested amount – $25/teacher), NSF will:

·         Notify the honored teachers and staff of your gift;

·         Share the honoree names with the Superintendent and Principals; and

·         List each of those honored in the Newton TAB.


You can make your tax-deductible donation on-line at,  or mail it to Newton Schools Foundation, P.O. Box 590020, Newton Centre, MA 02459. Please be sure to include the names of the teachers and/or staff that you are honoring.  Or look for a flyer that will be sent home in your child’s backpack that includes a donation form.

NSF is a non-profit organization that raises funds to enhance the quality of education throughout Newton’s public schools. Your gift supports NSF initiatives including teachers’ professional development and new curricula and learning opportunities, including the following at the elementary level:

  • Elementary Teacher Summer Writing and Research and Writing Institutes

  • Responsive Classroom Training

  • Instrumental Music Pilot Program at Lincoln-Eliot

Have a great week,



Upcoming Dates:
June 5  All library books are due back at the library
June 8  K Students visit Brookline Puppet Theatre
June 13  Celebration Day
June 22 1:30-2:30  Moving On Ceremony
June 23 Last Day for Students

Principal Update for the week of May 29, 2017

May 29, 2017

Dear Lincoln Eliot Families,

I hope you enjoyed the long weekend.

Thank you to the PTO and all who helped with the Teacher Appreciation Luncheon on Tuesday.  The food was incredible and teachers were so thankful for the recognition.  At the luncheon, we learned of the Kelly DelGreco Memorial Gift.  The PTO will make an annual donation of $500.00  to the fifth grade class in Kelly’s name to help fund their camping trip.  

The PTO recognized Ms. Keller, Ms. Tannenbaum, Ms. Bolte and Ms. Berges for their contributions to the Lincoln Eliot community.  As you may know, they will moving on from the school.

Our fifth graders are off to Camp Wing on Wednesday.   Fourth graders will get to experience being the senior students at Lincoln Eliot!

We will have an all school assembly on Tuesday, May 30.  The purpose of the assembly is to review the voice volume scale.  This is a tool that we are using to teach expectations for voice level in different parts of the school.  For example, walking in the halls is a 0, cafeteria is a 2 and outside during recess is a 4.  Ask your children about the assembly Tuesday evening and they should be able to tell you more.  I don’t want to give away too much information!

More Newton Serves Photos were sent to me by the Newton Serves Photographer.  See link to photos here.  

We’re getting ready for Celebration Day on June 13.   Please go to this link to see flyer and to print a volunteer signup form.

Light a Fire for Literacy is happening on June 1

Parents of students in grades K-2 are invited to the cafeteria on June 1st at 8:30 to learn ways to support reading at home.  There will be interactive activities, ideas for supporting your child at home, free book raffles and much more.   This event is supported by Title 1.

Honor a Teacher While Supporting the Newton Schools Foundation

Are you looking for a way to honor and thank the exceptional teachers and staff who have motivated, educated and inspired your students to grow and achieve all year? Consider participating in Newton Schools Foundations’ Honor Thy Teacher campaign. This special program, now in its 20th year, enables families to thank teachers or other school personnel by giving a gift to NSF in their honor.

After receiving each donation (suggested amount – $25/teacher), NSF will:

·         Notify the honored teachers and staff of your gift;

·         Share the honoree names with the Superintendent and Principals; and

·         List each of those honored in the Newton TAB.

You can make your tax-deductible donation on-line at, or mail it to Newton Schools Foundation, P.O. Box 590020, Newton Centre, MA 02459. Please be sure to include the names of the teachers and/or staff that you are honoring.  Or look for a flyer that will be sent home in your child’s backpack that includes a donation form.

NSF is a non-profit organization that raises funds to enhance the quality of education throughout Newton’s public schools. Your gift supports NSF initiatives including teachers’ professional development and new curricula and learning opportunities, including the following at the elementary level:

  • Elementary Teacher Summer Writing and Research and Writing Institutes

  • Responsive Classroom Training

  • Instrumental Music Pilot Program at Lincoln-Eliot

Have a great week,


Upcoming Dates:
May 31- June 2  5th grade camping trip
June 1 – Light a Fire for Literacy
June 4 – Live Like Laura Road Race  There are many opportunities to participate – run, volunteer, sponsor. Please refer to the website for more information
June 5  All library books are due back at the library
June 13  Celebration Day
June 22 1:30-2:30  Moving On Ceremony
June 23 Last Day for Students

Principal Update for the week of May 22, 2017

May 22, 2017

Dear Lincoln Eliot Families,

I hope you enjoyed the spectacular weather this weekend.  This past week the temperature inside at Lincoln Eliot fluctuated from the 50’s on Monday to somewhere in the 90’s on Friday!  

Fidget spinners have become a distraction at school. Who has them and who doesn’t,  flinging them in the classroom, sharing with only some students, “borrowing” them without telling the owner… and lots more examples of how spinners are doing the opposite of helping students focus.  I kindly request that you have your child keep spinners at home.  If your child needs a fidget then please let me know and we can brainstorm some alternatives.  

What an incredible display of community on Wednesday at International Night.  Thank you to all the teacher and parent volunteers.  The variety of food and student talent was impressive.   

We’re getting ready for Celebration Day on June 13.   Please go to this link to see flyer and to print a volunteer signup form.

From the PTO
Friendly Reminder: The annual LE Teacher and Staff Appreciation Luncheon is this Tuesday, May 23rd from 12:30 to 2:30 pm in the cafeteria.  If you are donating side dishes, baked goods or beverages, please bring them to the Main Office at drop off on
Tuesday morning, or to the Cafeteria at noon.  Also, we still have room for more volunteers and donation items!  Visit to sign up!  Thank you!!
Light a Fire for Literacy is happening on June 1
Parents of students in grades K-2 are invited to the cafeteria on June 1st at 8:30 to learn ways to support reading at home.  There will be interactive activities, ideas for supporting your child at home, free book raffles and much more.   This event is supported by Title 1.


Honor a Teacher While Supporting the Newton Schools Foundation
Are you looking for a way to honor and thank the exceptional teachers and staff who have motivated, educated and inspired your students to grow and achieve all year? Consider participating in Newton Schools Foundations’ Honor Thy Teacher campaign. This special program, now in its 20th year, enables families to thank teachers or other school personnel by giving a gift to NSF in their honor.
After receiving each donation (suggested amount – $25/teacher), NSF will:
·         Notify the honored teachers and staff of your gift;
·         Share the honoree names with the Superintendent and Principals; and
·         List each of those honored in the Newton TAB.
You can make your tax-deductible donation on-line at, or mail it to Newton Schools Foundation, P.O. Box 590020, Newton Centre, MA 02459. Please be sure to include the names of the teachers and/or staff that you are honoring.  Or look for a flyer that will be sent home in your child’s backpack that includes a donation form.
NSF is a non-profit organization that raises funds to enhance the quality of education throughout Newton’s public schools. Your gift supports NSF initiatives including teachers’ professional development and new curricula and learning opportunities, including the following at the elementary level:
  • Elementary Teacher Summer Writing and Research and Writing Institutes
  • Responsive Classroom Training
  • Instrumental Music Pilot Program at Lincoln-Eliot
Arts Night on May 24th
Join us for an evening of fine and performing arts.  
6:30-7  4th grade chorus and instrumentalists
7:00-7:30 – 5th grade grade chorus and instrumentalists
Have a great week,



Upcoming Dates:

May 23 – Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
May 24  Arts Night
May 31- June 2  5th grade camping trip
June 1 – Light a Fire for Literacy
June 4 – Live Like Laura Road Race  There are many opportunities to participate – run, volunteer, sponsor. Please refer to the website for more information
June 13  Celebration Day – we will need volunteers
June 22 1:30-2:30  Moving On Ceremony
June 23 Last Day for Students

Principal Update for the week of May 15, 2017

May 15, 2017

Dear Lincoln Eliot Families,

We are in store for warm week!  Please stop by lost and found to claim winter wear.  All unclaimed items will be donated at the end of the month.

Thank you to Donna Vincenzino for being the Walk and Bike to School Coordinator.  Here are some photos from the May 3 Walk/Bike  to School Day photos link

International night is on Wednesday from 5:30-7:15.  Please join us as we celebrate the various traditions and cultures of our students through food, music, games and more!

The multicultural potluck begins at 5:30.  Incoming principal Danielle Morrissey will join us.

Light a Fire for Literacy is happening on June 1

Parents of students in grades K-2 are invited to the cafeteria on June 1st at 8:30 to learn ways to support reading at home.  There will be interactive activities, ideas for supporting your child at home, free book raffles and much more.   This event is supported by Title 1.

Honor a Teacher While Supporting the Newton Schools Foundation

Are you looking for a way to honor and thank the exceptional teachers and staff who have motivated, educated and inspired your students to grow and achieve all year? Consider participating in Newton Schools Foundations’ Honor Thy Teachercampaign. This special program, now in its 20th year, enables families to thank teachers or other school personnel by giving a gift to NSF in their honor.

After receiving each donation (suggested amount – $25/teacher), NSF will:

·         Notify the honored teachers and staff of your gift;

·         Share the honoree names with the Superintendent and Principals; and

·         List each of those honored in the Newton TAB.

You can make your tax-deductible donation on-line at, or mail it to Newton Schools Foundation, P.O. Box 590020, Newton Centre, MA 02459. Please be sure to include the names of the teachers and/or staff that you are honoring.  Or look for a flyer that will be sent home in your child’s backpack that includes a donation form.

NSF is a non-profit organization that raises funds to enhance the quality of education throughout Newton’s public schools. Your gift supports NSF initiatives including teachers’ professional development and new curricula and learning opportunities, including the following at the elementary level:

  • Elementary Teacher Summer Writing and Research and Writing Institutes
  • Responsive Classroom Training
  • Instrumental Music Pilot Program at Lincoln-Eliot

Arts Night on May 24th

Join us for an evening of fine and performing arts.

6:30-7  4th grade chorus and instrumentalists

7:00-7:30 – 5th grade grade chorus and instrumentalists

Add art description and times

Recorder Jam

May 16th 8:45-9:10  in the music room

Come see your third grader play songs on the recorder

Flyer is here.

Have a great week,


Upcoming Dates:

May 16  Recorder Jam for parents of third graders

May 15-19  Unplugged at Lincoln Eliot

May 17 International Night

May 24  Arts Night

May 31-June 2  5th grade camping trip

June 1 – Light a Fire for Literacy

June 4 – Live Like Laura Road Race  There are many opportunities to participate – run, volunteer, sponsor. Please refer to the website for more information

June 13  Celebration Day – we will need volunteers

June 22 1:30-2:30  Moving On Ceremony

June 23 Last Day for Students