Category Archives: Community News

Help Needed for the L-E Teacher & Staff Appreciation Luncheon (5/23/17)

Help Needed for the L-E Teacher & Staff Appreciation Luncheon (5/23/17)

The annual L-E Teacher Appreciation Luncheon is planned for Tuesday, May 23rd (12:30pm-2:30pm in the Cafeteria). We need volunteers to help with set-up, serving and clean up, as well as donations of side dishes (ie. salads of any kind), drinks and desserts! Cash donations to purchase supplies are also welcome. Food/Drinks can be dropped off in the office all morning on May 23rd or can be brought to the cafeteria at noon. Check your purple folders for the sign-up sheet.  If you have questions or can help, please contact Andrea Hemment at

Principal Update for the week of May 8, 2017

May 8, 2017

Dear Lincoln Eliot Families,

Thank you to all the walkers and bikers on Wednesday.  Hopefully the Blue Zone was a little less crowded.  Mornings can be hectic but we encourage those who live within walking or biking distance to leave the cars at home.

This Thursday, May 11th is an early release.  All students are dismissed at 12:30.  

Light a Fire for Literacy is happening on June 1  Parents of students in grades K-2 are invited to the cafeteria on June 1st at 8:30 to learn ways to support reading at home.  There will be interactive activities, ideas for supporting your child at home, free book raffles and much more.   This event is supported by Title 1.
Unplugged at Lincoln Eliot is the week of May 15  Stay tuned for a calendar of suggested activities that do not involve a screen!
Honor a Teacher While Supporting the Newton Schools Foundation  Are you looking for a way to honor and thank the exceptional teachers and staff who have motivated, educated and inspired your students to grow and achieve all year? Consider participating in Newton Schools Foundations’ Honor Thy Teacher campaign. This special program, now in its 20th year, enables families to thank teachers or other school personnel by giving a gift to NSF in their honor.
After receiving each donation (suggested amount – $25/teacher), NSF will:
·         Notify the honored teachers and staff of your gift;
·         Share the honoree names with the Superintendent and Principals; and
·         List each of those honored in the Newton TAB.

You can make your tax-deductible donation on-line at, or mail it to Newton Schools Foundation, P.O. Box 590020, Newton Centre, MA 02459. Please be sure to include the names of the teachers and/or staff that you are honoring.  Or look for a flyer that will be sent home in your child’s backpack that includes a donation form.

NSF is a non-profit organization that raises funds to enhance the quality of education throughout Newton’s public schools. Your gift supports NSF initiatives including teachers’ professional development and new curricula and learning opportunities, including the following at the elementary level:

  • Elementary Teacher Summer Writing and Research and Writing Institutes

  • Responsive Classroom Training

  • Instrumental Music Pilot Program at Lincoln-Eliot

Arts Night on May 24th  Join us for an evening of fine and performing arts.
6:30-7  4th grade chorus and instrumentalists
7:00-7:30 – 5th grade grade chorus and instrumentalists
Add art description and times


Recorder Jam May 16th 8:45-9:10  in the music room Come see your third grader play songs on the recorder Flyer is here.

Have a great week,


Upcoming Dates:

May 9th  PTO Meeting (this is a change from May 2)
May 11  Early Release
May 16  Recorder Jam for parents of third graders
May 15-19  Unplugged at Lincoln Eliot
May 17 International Night
May 24  Arts Night
May 31-June 2  5th grade camping trip
June 1 – Light a Fire for Literacy
June 4 – Live Like Laura Road Race  There are many opportunities to participate – run, volunteer, sponsor. Please refer to the website for more information
June 22 1:30-2:30  Moving On Ceremony
June 23 Last Day for Students


Principal Update for the week of April 10, 2017

April 10, 2017

Dear Lincoln Eliot Families,

I hope you had a great weekend.

Project Beatles
Kudos to the 5th grade students for their magnificent performance on Thursday.  What a showcase of talent!  A special thank you to Ms. Nelson and Ms. Sutherland for making this memorable event happen.
Wireless Microphone and Speakers
Thank you to the PTO and Plowshares for purchasing a sound system for the school.  A shout out goes to John Mulligan whose persistence made this purchase happen.
Technology Presentation
Instructional Technology Specialist, Jen Roy and 5th grade teacher, Val Kelly presented on digital citizenship for elementary school age students at Tuesday’s PTO meeting.  Go to these links for more information.
Coin Drive
The 5th grade class is organizing a coin drive.  Students are asked to bring in spare change to deposit in the envelope of the teacher/staff member they want to see dressed up in a silly costume on Spirit Day.    All envelopes will be housed in the office for one week and students will be encouraged to drop any spare coins into the envelopes of their choice!  The money will be counted on Wednesday April 12th, and the 3 adults with the most money in their envelopes will dress up on Thursday, April 13th!
Save the Date for International Night
Wednesday May 17 is International Night.  I have visited LE to celebrate with you over the years and now I am excited to be part of it as a staff member.  More information to follow.
Parent English Classes
The next ELL parent group is back to the Tuesday time.  The next meeting will be on Tuesday 4/11/17 at 9:00 AM.   On April 25 we have the Supervisor of Youth Services from the Newton Free Library speaking to the group!

Live Like Laura
Please participate in the Live Like Laura 5k road race on June 4th. Laura Fahey, friend to many of our Lincoln Eliot families, was a vibrant, loving mother of 2 who passed away suddenly in November. To honor Laura, her friends and family are organizing a 5k road race in her memory.   There are many opportunities to participate – run, volunteer, sponsor. Please refer to the website for more information

Spruce up LE during NewtonSERVES on Sunday, April 30th, from 9 am – 12 pm! Adult workers are needed, as well as kids ready to work with their parents. We need 50 volunteers. We will be cleaning the grounds, raking, spreading mulch, prepping and planting our school garden, as well as painting indoors and making small repairs inside the school. NewtonSERVES is the ONLY time of the year when we can do these projects at the school.  More information here.   Sign up with the city begins on April 1.  Feel free to email Nora at or Amy at with any questions.

Walk and Bike to School Day is scheduled for May 3.

The City of Newton is running a judgement free conversation for teens and adults on the risks and realities of drug and alcohol use today.  Highs and Lows Event


April Activities for Families and Children
At the West Suburban YMCA
276 Church Street, Newton Corner
Free Family Fun Night Tuesday 4/11/17 6-7:00 pm
The second Tuesday of every month (sponsored by The Belmont Savings Bank Foundation)
Healthy Kids Day Saturday 4/29/17 2:00-4:00 pm
Free day of activities – bike helmets will be given away first come/first served by the Newton Elks Club and Farinas
At the Newton Free Library
330 Homer Street, Newton Center
Teen Craft hours
  • Monday 4/10/17 6:30 pm (second Monday of every month) grades 7-12 make bullet journals (2nd floor)
  • Tuesday 4/11/17 3:30 (second Tuesday of every month) grades 5-7 make slime (2nd floor)

Let’s Talk – free conversation groups for all levels of adult English Language Learners

  • Tuesday 4/11/17 (Tuesday) 12:30 or 7:00 pm (drop in – 3rd floor)

Chinese Bilingual Story time

  • Thursday 4:00 pm  Stories, songs and movement in English and Chinese for ages 3-5 (free – pick up tickets at library by 3:45)

ELL Story time at Newton Free Library for English Language Learners and their children 0-4. Practice English and meet families. Singing, reading and fun! Thursday April 20 and 27, May 4 and 11. 10:30 A.M. in the Children’s Room. or call 617-796-1360.

Have a great week,



Upcoming Dates:

April 13 Spirit Day
April 14-April 21  Vacation (school resumes on April 24)
April 30th Newton Serves
May 3  Walk and Bike to school
May 9th  PTO Meeting (this is a change from May 2)
May 17 International Night
May 31-June 2  5th grade camping trip
June 23 Last Day for Students


MCAS Dates:

English Language Arts Math Science
Grade 3 4/6,4/7,4/10 5/3,5/5 X
Grade 4 – Done 5/8 and 5/9 X
Grade 5 4/26,4/28, 5/1 5/10,5/12 5/17, 5/19
Make Up Days 5/1 and 5/2 5/22-5/26 5/22-5/26

Principal Update for the Week of April 3, 2017

April 3, 2017

Dear Lincoln Eliot Families,

I hope you had a great weekend.

Thank you to all who voted for Lincoln Eliot in the Watertown Customer Choice award.  Thanks to all of you, the PTO received a check for $2,000.  This money will help fund the Creative Arts and Sciences programming at Lincoln Eliot.

5th grade performance April 6
MCAS starts this coming week with online testing for Grade 4 students.  We are requesting that all staff and students who carry cell phones turn off their phones while MCAS is in session.
Coin Drive
The 5th grade class is organizing a coin drive.  Students are asked to bring in spare change to deposit in the envelope of the teacher/staff member they want to see dressed up in a silly costume on Spirit Day.    All envelopes will be housed in the office for one week and students will be encouraged to drop any spare coins into the envelopes of their choice!
The money will be counted on Wednesday April 12th, and the 3 adults with the most money in their envelopes will dress up on Thursday, April 13th!
Save the Date for International Night
Wednesday May 17 is International Night.  I have visited LE to celebrate with you over the years and now I am excited to be part of it as a staff member.  More information to follow.
Parent English Classes
The next ELL parent group will be held on Thursday 4/6/17 at 9:00 AM. This is a one time change. ELL parents are welcome and encouraged to attend. OnApril 25 we have the Supervisor of Youth Services from the Newton Free Library speaking to the group!
Live Like Laura
Please participate in the Live Like Laura 5k road race on June 4th. Laura Fahey, friend to many of our Lincoln Eliot families, was a vibrant, loving mother of 2 who passed away suddenly in November. To honor Laura, her friends and family are organizing a 5k road race in her memory.   There are many opportunities to participate – run, volunteer, sponsor. Please refer to the website for more information
Spruce up LE during NewtonSERVES on Sunday, April 30th, from 9 am – 12 pm! Adult workers are needed, as well as kids ready to work with their parents. We need 50 volunteers. We will be cleaning the grounds, raking, spreading mulch, prepping and planting our school garden, as well as painting indoors and making small repairs inside the school. NewtonSERVES is the ONLY time of the year when we can do these projects at the school.  More information here.   Sign up with the city begins on April 1.  Feel free to email Nora at or Amy at with any questions.

Technology and Social Media Parent Presentation at April 4 PTO meeting

From Grade 5 Teachers
THANK YOU for supporting the fifth grade’s Community Service Project to help provide warm winter gear to local homeless shelters for people in need.  We collected over four boxes of hats, gloves, mittens, scarves and socks.  We couldn’t have done it without you!  Everything has been delivered to local shelters to be put to good use during this long winter.
ELL Story time at Newton Free Library for English Language Learners and their children 0-4. Practice English and meet families. Singing, reading and fun!Thursday April 20 and 27, May 4 and 11. 10:30 A.M. in the Children’s Room. or call 617-796-1360.
Have a great week,


Upcoming Dates:

April 1 Sign up begins for Newton Serves
April 4 5th grade camp meeting at 5:45
April 4  PTO Meeting and Technology Workshop at 6:30
April 6  5th grade Performance
April 7  Principal Coffee
April 13 Spirit Day
April 14-April 21  Vacation (school resumes on April 24)
April 30th Newton Serves
May 17 International Night

MCAS Dates:

English Language Arts Math Science
Grade 3 4/6,4/7,4/10 5/3,5/5 X
Grade 4 – 4/3,4/4, 4/5 5/8 and 5/9 X
Grade 5 4/26,4/28, 5/1 5/10,5/12 5/17, 5/19
Make Up Days 5/1 and 5/2 5/22-5/26 5/22-5/26

Principal Update for the week of March 19, 2017

March 19, 2017

Dear Lincoln Eliot Families,

What an amazing display of spirit, creativity, and inquiry on Thursday evening.  I left the building with my mind (and stomach) full!  Over 50 student participants shared information on animals, magnets, planets, physics, potato batteries and so much more.   Thank you to the Science Fair Committee –  Joeva Barrow, Brigitte LaMarche, Anna Aguilera, Pam Rajasekhar, Fernando Vieira, Daniel Barrow, and Ben Slavitskiy for an incredible evening.

A huge shout out to the Stavropoulou-Papathanasiou family for running the cupcake competition and fundraiser.

Also thank you to all the bakers and those who purchased cupcakes. Raspberry, chocolate, vanilla, lemon, red velvet – just a marvelous array of delicious treats!  19 students entered the competition and Niko and I took bites from all cupcake entries.  My children guessed that was the equivalent to 4-5 whole cupcakes!

It was extremely difficult to judge for taste and presentation but in the end, 4th grader Vanessa Forsythe won for taste with her brown butter cupcake and banana frosting.  A chocolate cupcake with whip cream frosting made by Kya Fucarile came in second.   Megan Corra was third with a red velvet cupcake and cream cheese frosting.  I’d love to share the recipes of all bakers.  If you want to share, then email it to me and I’ll put them together for the community.

Best in show went to Michael Wheeler who decorated the top of his cupcake as a leprechaun.  Second went to Mark K who decorated the top of his cakes with fondant animals.  Third went to Brian Carter who decorated his cupcakes to look like fish.  It was clear that students put time and effort into their design.

Spirit Wear
Spirit day is scheduled for Thursday, April 13.  The PTO is selling LE T-shirts and sweatshirts.  Students can wear one of these items, a LE shirt from previous years or something blue!  Spirit Wear Order Information
The PTO has put together a survey designed to get input from a variety of Lincoln Eliot stakeholders about how they think the Parent Teacher Organization should spend funds it has in the PTO budget to improve the overall learning experience for our children. Please take the 3-5 minutes to give your input. The PTO will compile the results. It will inform our decision about where to budget and spend some of our financial resources.

A Literacy Fair  for parents and caregivers of toddlers, preschoolers and kindergarten students is being sponsored by the Newton Partnership on April 1.

Blue Zone

There is a district wide PTO group forming to discuss school Blue Zones.  Here is a link to a Doodle Poll regarding possible meeting dates  if you are interesting in participating.

Have a great week,


District Kindergarten Information

Out of District Placement

Upcoming Dates:

April 1 Sign up begins for Newton Serves
April 6  5th grade Performance
April 7  Principal Coffee
April 13 Spirit Day
April 14-April 21  Vacation (school resumes on April 24)
April 30th Newton Serves
MCAS Dates:
English Language Arts Math Science
Grade 3 4/6,4/7,4/10 5/3,5/5 X
Grade 4 – 4/3,4/4, 4/5 5/8 and 5/9 X
Grade 5 4/26,4/28, 5/1 5/10,5/12 5/17, 5/19
Make Up Days 5/1 and 5/2 5/22-5/26 5/22-5/26

Principal Update for the week of March 13, 2017

March 12, 2017

Dear Lincoln Eliot Families,

In like a lion and out like a lamb is how March is usually described.  Mid March can go either way but it sounds like Tuesday will be lion- like weather!

Science Fair
Come to the Science Fair on Thursday, March 16th starting at 5pm in the gymnasium and cafeteria. The planning committee has done a great job organizing students and presenters from local STEM organizations.  All are welcome!  The flyer is linked  here.  The most current list of student presenters is here.  Reminder: Absolutely NO liquids, or flammables are allowed in the gym. If your science project requires liquids, you will have to set it up outside the room.
Principal for the day, Niko Papathanasiou came up with the idea to have a cupcake competition for 4th and 5th grade bakers.  Cupcakes will be sold for $2.00 during Science night and all proceeds will go to the 5th grade camping trip.  Niko and I will be judging the cupcakes on taste and presentation.  Winners will be announced by the end of the day on Friday, March 17th.   Please click on the link above to read more about entry requirements.
Thank you for improving the parking situation for teachers.  Just another reminder that cars are not allowed to enter the teacher’s parking lot at drop off, during the school day or at pick up.   We need to keep the fire lane clear and teachers and other staff members are sometimes blocked in.  Thank you for your cooperation.
Blue Zone
I have heard some complaints recently about unsafe Blue Zone behavior.  Please email me if you have any suggestions on how to make improvements to drop off and pick up and I will share your suggestions with the School Council.  Teachers and school personnel are not available to monitor the Blue Zone.
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Meeting
Read Tuesday’s minutes from the PTO meeting linked here.    David Fleishman, School Committee members Ellen Gibson and Margaret Albright were present at last week’s meeting.  Also at the meeting was Ward 1 Councilor Alison Leary.
Have a great week,


District Kindergarten Information

Out of District Placement


Upcoming Dates:

March 16th  Science Fair   Information  and cupcake contest

April 1 Sign up begins for Newton Serves

April 6  5th grade Performance

April 13th  Spirit Day – Stay tune for Lincoln Eliot spirit  wear information

April 14-April 21  Vacation (school resumes on April 24)

April 30th Newton Serves

MCAS Dates:

  English Language Arts Math Science
Grade 3 4/6,4/7,4/10 5/3,5/5 X
Grade 4 – 4/3,4/4, 4/5 5/8 and 5/9 X
Grade 5 4/26,4/28, 5/1 5/10,5/12 5/17, 5/19

PTO Meeting March 7, 2017 with Superintendent and School Committee Members!

Parent teacher organization (PTO) meeting
When: Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Where: Lincoln-Eliot cafeteria
Time: 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Come and learn what is happening in our school and how you can help.
Meet our Superintendent, Dr. David Fleischman and School Committee Members and ask them questions.  We have free childcare for you in the gym. Everyone is welcome!

Reunión de organización de padres y maestros
Cuando: Martes, 7 de marzo de 2017
Dónde:Cafetería de Lincoln-Eliot
Hora: 6:30-7:30 pm
Venga y aprenda lo que está sucediendo en nuestra escuela y cómo puede ayudar. Conozca a nuestro Superintendente, Dr. David Fleischman y los miembros del Comité Escolar y hágales preguntas. Tenemos guarderías gratuitas para usted en el gimnasio. ¡Todos son bienvenidos!

Reunião da organização de pais e professores
Quando: Terça-feira, 7 de março de 2017
Onde: Lanchonete de Lincoln-Eliot
Tempo: 6:30-7:30 pm
Venha e aprenda o que está acontecendo em nossa escola e como você pode ajudar. Conheça nosso  Superintendente, o Dr. David Fleischman e os membros do Comitê Escolar e faça perguntas. Temos puericultura gratuita para você no ginásio. Todos são bem vindos!

Организация встречи родителей и учителей
Когда: Вторник, 7 марта 2017
Где: Кафетерий Lincoln-Eliot
Время: 6:30 – 7:30 вечера
Приходите и узнаете, что происходит в нашей школе, и как вы можете помочь. Познакомьтесь с нашим суперинтендантом (заведующим районного отдела образования), Доктором Дэвидом Флейшманом и членами школьного комитета и задайте им ваши вопросы. Бесплатный присмотр за детьми будет предоставлен в спортзале. Приглашаем всех желающих!

時間:6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
來吧,了解我們學校發生了什麼,以及如何幫助。 認識我們的主管,David Fleischman博士和學校委員會成員,並問他們的問題。 我們在健身房為您提供免費托兒服務。歡迎大家!

Principal Update for the week of February 27, 2017

February 26, 2017

Dear Lincoln Eliot Families,

Did it feel more like April rather than February vacation?   I hope you enjoyed the beautiful weather last week.  We celebrated the 100th day of school the Tuesday before break and are more than half way through the 16-17 school year.

Free English classes for families of Lincoln Eliot students are being held on Tuesdays, from 9-10 in the library.    Come meet new friends and practice speaking English in these drop in classes.  All English levels are welcome.    If you are interested, go to this link and complete a short survey.  If you are a fluent English speaker and are interested in volunteering your time to help parents learning English then there is a question for you in the survey.

Remember to check out the LE PTO for the PTO calendar, volunteer opportunities for more information about particular events or to contact a board member. The link to the rolling agenda from previous meetings is here.

Start planning for the Science Fair on March 16th!  Information about the science fair went home in folders and is linked at  Science Fair Information and registration form 

The PTO funds the Creative Arts and Science programming at Lincoln Eliot.   On Tuesday, kindergarten students will enjoy a program on Exploring the Ocean World.   

I inadvertently misspelled a name is last week’s principal update.  Sumana organized a food drive to collect food to send to Syria. Thank you to the Lincoln Eliot community for your donations. 

Understanding Our Differences

At least six parents are needed on each of the following dates to help lead Understanding Our Differences programs.  Please use the dates below instead of the dates in the previous parent newsletter.

Grade 3: TBD

Grade 4: Friday, March 24th 9:30a.m – 11:30 a.m.  

Grade 5: Thursday, March 9th 10:30a.m-12:30 p.m.

There is a 2 hour maximum time commitment on the day of the unit and about 20-30 minutes of short training (on line video).  This is a wonderful opportunity to engage with our students in the classroom.   If you are interested in participating, please contact the L-E parent coordinator, Cathleen Morrison, She is happy to answer questions.

Community Events

The buzz is…the Newton Spelling Bee is back! The fun and educational Spelling Bee for Newton elementary school children is back for its 10th year! Just in case you haven’t already signed up, there are five dates for the Bees, with multiple grade sessions on each day, March 6, 7, 13, 20 & 27. Each grade session is a separate Bee with a first and second place prize donated by Learning Express. Every speller receives a goody bag to celebrate their hard work. There are a few spots left. Please register on line at  $10.

Dads and Kids Play group

Waltham Fields Community Farm

Have a great week,


District Kindergarten Information

Out of District Placement

Upcoming Dates:

March 7  Kindergarten Screening

March 7 PTO Meeting at 6:30

March 9  12:30 Early Release  – conferences

March 16th  Science Fair

March 28  Cup Cake Contest – stay tuned!

April 30th Newton Serves

MCAS Dates:

  English Language Arts Math Science
Grade 3 4/6,4/7,4/10 5/3,5/5 X
Grade 4 – 4/3,4/4, 4/5 5/8 and 5/9 X
Grade 5 4/26,4/28, 5/1 5/10,5/12 5/17, 5/19
Make Up Days 5/1 and 5/2 5/22-5/26 5/22-5/26

Principal Update for the week of February 13, 2017

February 13, 2017

Dear Lincoln Eliot Families,

I hope you are all safe and sound and enjoying the snow.  We’ll all be well rested for vacation week!

As you know, I am at Lincoln Eliot just for this year.  It has been an incredible learning experience as well as a joy getting to know families, students and staff at the school.

On Wednesday and Thursday, the two principal finalists will be at the school.  Parents are invited to meet the candidates from8:35-9:15 in the library.

Free English classes!

Free English classes for families of Lincoln Eliot students will begin on Tuesday, February 14th from 9-10 in the library.    Come meet new friends and practice speaking English.  All English levels are welcome.    If you are interested, go to this link and complete a short survey.  If you are a fluent English speaker and are interested in volunteering your time to help parents learning English then there is a question for you in the survey.

Remember to check out the LE PTO for the PTO calendar, volunteer opportunities for more information about particular events or to contact a board member. The link to the rolling agenda from previous meetings is here.

Start planning for the Science Fair on March 16th!   The Science Fair and registration form are going home in folders but you can preview the information at this link.

The PTO funds the Creative Arts and Science programming at Lincoln Eliot.   On Wednesday, first graders will enjoy a visit from Amelia Earhart and second graders will attend a ribbon dancing performance.

Volunteers are needed to help with Understanding our Differences, a disabilities awareness curriculum,  delivered to all Newton students in grades 3-5 by parent volunteers. In Spring, 2017 volunteers will be delivering the Blindness unit to 3rd and 4th Graders, and the Autism Spectrum Disorder Unit to 5th graders. All Lincoln-Eliot parents, regardless of your child’s grade, are invited to participate in this dynamic program.

At least six parents are needed on each of the following dates to help lead activities:

Grade 3: Friday, March 24th 9:30a.m – 11:30 a.m. 

Grade 4: TBD 

Grade 5: Thursday, March 9th 10:30a.m-12:30 p.m. 

There is a 2 hour maximum time commitment on the day of the unit and about 20-30 minutes of short training (on line video) 

This is a wonderful opportunity to engage with our students in the classroom.

If you are interested in participating, please contact the L-E parent coordinator, Cathleen Morrison, I am happy to answer any questions, it is not difficult and is extremely rewarding!



Thank you to all who donated food to help Syrian Refugees.  A message from Sumna – Thank you to the LE community for opening your hearts and helping out the people in need. My heartfelt gratitude to everyone who donated 73 cans, 10 lbs of sugar, 21 lbs of rice, 12 boxes of cereal and few snack/breakfast items, 13 boxes of pasta , 8 lbs of lentils , 4 lbs of flour.

One of our students is collecting canned goods and other non perishables  as part of her Girl Scout service project.  There is a drop off bin in the front office.  If you are able, send one canned food item in with your child.  That could lead to almost 350 cans of food to help those in need.  All food that is collected will be delivered to a Newton food pantry.

From February 2nd to February 17th the 5th grade will be collecting winter gear for homeless children. Suggested items to donate are hats, mittens, gloves, socks, and scarves. All donations must be new. Each classroom has a collection box which the 5th graders will be collecting on 2/17 before February break. All donations will go to local shelters in Newton. We appreciate your help!

Have a great week,


District Kindergarten Information

Out of District Placement


Upcoming Dates:

February 14  ESL classes begin for families of students

February 20-24 – School vacation (resumes Monday, February 27 )

March 16th  Science Fair

March 28  Cup Cake Contest – stay tuned!

MCAS Dates:

  English Language Arts Math Science
Grade 3 4/6,4/7,4/10 5/3,5/5 X
Grade 4 – 4/3,4/4, 4/5 5/8 and 5/9 X
Grade 5 4/26,4/28, 5/1 5/10,5/12 5/17, 5/19
Make Up Days 5/1 and 5/2 5/22-5/26 5/22-5/26

PTO February Newsletter

L-E PTO Newsletter February 2017

L-E Family Movie Night Was A HUGE Success: Everyone had a blast at our first-ever Family Movie Night! Thanks to those who participated, and in particular, to the parent volunteers who baked and worked at the event. We raised over $630! Special thanks to Karen Hite, Tui Sutherland and Siobhan Wheeler for organizing this great night!

Family Science Night March 16, 2017 5-7pm L-E Gym
Look out for more info in your purple folders this week!

Our new principal search is on track, and finalists will be visiting L-E in mid-February. Parents will have an opportunity to meet and ask the candidates questions at this time. More information about this will be available soon!

PTO School Survey: We will be sending out a brief survey in the coming week to get input on critical needs for our school. Your feedback will help us plan for next year. Look out for the survey in your purple folders!

Dues Drive: 44 of our 289 L-E families have paid their PTO dues (totaling $4350)! Don’t worry…there’s still time to contribute! Look for Dues forms in your purple folders and help us continue to bring amazing programs and opportunities to our children! So far, the PTO has raised close to $20,000 (less than $2,000 away from our goal!!) and has sponsored the following events:

  • Back to School Picnic
  • Election Day Bake Sale
  • Field Trip Buses
  • Creative Arts & Sciences Programs for ALL GRADES
  • Halloween Dance
  • 2016 Book Fair
  • Family Movie Night
  • Library Support
  • Classroom Support

Classroom Support

Illness in School: It’s cold and flu season! Please remind children to wash hands regularly, and ask them to notify their classroom teachers if the bathrooms are without soap or paper towels. Let’s keep our school healthy!

UPCOMING PTO MEETINGS – Mark Your Calendars!

  • Mar. 7 (6:30 pm): guest speaker David Fleishman & school committee
    Apr. 4 (6:30 pm): guest speaker Ms. Kelly: Tech Safety
    May 2 (6:30 pm): PTO Officer / Volunteer Recruitment for 2017-18
    June 6 (6:30 pm): PTO budget vote for 2017-18

Please check for additional events planned for the school year!

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