Category Archives: Community News

November PTO Meeting Recap

It was great to see everyone who made it to our second PTO meeting of the year last Tuesday, November 13th!  A special thank you to Brigitte LaMarche for her presentation on SEPAC and to Lanni Isenberg for her talk about FORJ, both of which were really informative and interesting!

If you missed the meeting, you can click on the links below to review the minutes and the slideshow presentation.  If you see anything you’d like to sign up for, or if you have any questions, please email anytime.

We look forward to seeing everyone at our next meeting on Tuesday, January 8th, at 6:30pm!

November PTO Meeting Slideshow

November PTO Meeting Minutes

Principal Update 11.12.18

Dear Families,

A reminder that there is no school on Monday — hope you are all having a great long weekend!  Please join us at 6:30pm on Tuesday in the library for our PTO meeting to find out more about SEPAC (Newton Special Education Parent Advisory Council), FORJ (Families Organizing for Racial Justice), and upcoming events like the Book Fair.  Thank you to all our families who dropped off baked goods or volunteered for the Election Day Bake Sale last week, which raised $485 for programs and resources for the school.

The first graders had a fun end of the week as they took their field trip to Jackson Homestead, just down the street from us.  If you’re curious, try asking your kids about the artifacts they got to hold and what was different about life 150 years ago!

Picture Retake Day is Monday, November 19th at 9am.  For any family that would like their child to have a new picture, please send your child to school with the original pictures on retake day.  A new picture order will be mailed to the school and sent home with your child a few weeks after retake day.

Please mark your calendar:

* Monday, November 12th:  Veterans Day observed — No School
* Tuesday, November 13th:  PTO meeting from 6:30-7:30pm in the library
* Monday, November 19th:  Picture Retake Day
* Wednesday, November 21st:  Early Release Day — 12:00 dismissal
* Thursday, November 22nd & Friday, November 23rd:  Thanksgiving Recess — No School
* November 30th – December 6th:  Lincoln-Eliot Book Fair

See you on Tuesday!

Principal Morrissey

The Lincoln-Eliot Book Fair Is Coming!

Save the date for the Lincoln-Eliot Book Fair, which will be transforming our library and celebrating reading from November 30 – December 6th this year!

As always, the fair will be open for shopping before and after school each day, and we will be having our Books and Cookies Pajama Party on Thursday, December 6th from 5-8pm — please join us for free cookies and cocoa in the cafeteria and have fun shopping the fair!

Also!  New this year, we will kick off Book Fair Week with Book Character Day — on Monday, December 3rd, everyone is invited to come to school in costume as a character from a book!  Stop by the library in your costume, have your photo taken in our Enchanted Forest, and be entered to win a free book in our Character Raffle!  Who will you be?  Start brainstorming your costume now…

We would love your help anytime during the fair; please click here to volunteer!  And stay tuned for more information about our online fair (running Nov. 21 – Dec. 9) and teacher wish lists for the classroom libraries.

Happy reading!  See you at the fair!

2018-19 Lincoln-Eliot Annual Fund

The Lincoln-Eliot PTO sponsors art & science programming, technology, library books and other activities for our school community.  We are fully funded by fundraisers and your annual contribution.  Our goal this year is for every L-E family to contribute to our annual fund in any amount that they choose.  Please fill out the donation form and return it along with your check (made payable to “Lincoln-Eliot PTO”) to your child’s teacher.  You may also donate online at

If you have already donated, thank you for your support! Please contact with any questions.  

PTO Meeting Tuesday, November 13th!

Please join us on Tuesday, November 13th at 6:30pm in the school library for our second PTO meeting of the year!  Free childcare will be provided in the gym.  We will have special presentations about SEPAC (Special Education Advisory Council) and FORJ (Families Organizing for Racial Justice) as well as updates about our upcoming events and programs.  We hope to see you there!  🙂

1st Grade CAS Program: Bugworks!

Last Monday, November 5th, our first graders were visited by a fascinating science enrichment program featuring live insects — and a tarantula!  Bugworks introduces kids to “the wonderful world of bugs” with interactive observation and complements the science work the students are doing in their classrooms with terrariums.

Bugworks Logo - Home button

Thank you for your continued support of the PTO’s Creative Arts & Sciences Committee, which brings in programs like these all year long!

Seeking Japanese Translator

The PTO is looking for someone willing to help translate our flyers into Japanese, to reach our Japanese-speaking families.  Low time commitment, all done by email; any help would be much appreciated!  Please email if you’re up for joining our translation team, if you know anyone we could ask, or if you have any questions — thanks very much!

Reminder: FORJ Event November 14th

On Wednesday, November 14, from 7:00p-8:30pm, join FORJ Newton at Angier Elementary School for We Still Live Here: Language & experience of Wampanoag Nation

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This program will be an opportunity to gain knowledge as well as guidance about how to talk with your children about how Native Americans in the New England region have been treated, are BEING treated today, and how they are reclaiming their language.

Children 8 and up are welcome to join us.

(Angier Elementary, 1697 Beacon St, Waban MA 02468 is accessible on Green D Line)

FORJ (Families Organizing for Racial Justice) is a group of diverse families helping our children — and ourselves — learn about issues of power and inequality, and how to stand up for racial justice.

For more info, check them out online or contact your Lincoln-Eliot FORJ representative Lanni Isenberg (Mom to Lili, 3rd grade & Milo, 1st grade) at  Hope to see you at Angier on November 14th!

Box Tops Update!

Thank you so much to everyone who turned in your Box Tops for our first submission this year!  You raised $300 for our school!  That’s the equivalent of 15 new hardcover books for our library, or a big part of the cost of one of our visiting arts and sciences programs, so it really makes a difference, and we appreciate your efforts.

Please keep clipping and sending in Box Tops all year long.  New sheets will be going home soon, and we will submit another batch in the spring!

Box Tops for Education logo. (PRNewsFoto/General Mills)

Principal Update 11.5.18

Dear Families,

I hope you have had a great weekend and that everyone remembered to turn your clocks back an hour for Daylight Saving Time.  This week we look forward to a terrific Creative Arts and Sciences program for the first graders on Monday — Bugworks, an exciting science enrichment program about insects, brought to us by your support of the PTO.

Don’t forget to vote on Tuesday, and please stop by our Election Day Bake Sale for treats — baked goods and volunteers still needed!

Please mark your calendar:

* Tuesday, November 6th:  Election Day (please drop off baked goods at the Jackson Rd entrance Tuesday morning)
* Monday, November 12th:  Veterans Day observed — No School
* Tuesday, November 13th:  PTO meeting from 6:30-7:30pm in the library
* Wednesday, November 21st:  Early Release Day — 12:00 dismissal
* Thursday, November 22nd & Friday, November 23rd:  Thanksgiving Recess — No School
* December 3rd-7th:  Lincoln-Eliot Book Fair

Thanks very much, and have a great week!

Principal Morrissey